Tommaso Mattia Pretto
Project Officer (Industry)
Tommaso supports the Industry team by providing high-level project coordination, stakeholder engagement and administration services to support end-to-end delivery of projects such as work on regional decarbonisation analysis.
Prior to joining Climateworks, Tommaso was a co-founder and board member of the 2hands Organization. Launching the ENGO in his native Italy, Tommaso worked to combat coastal pollution, with a view to protecting marine biodiversity and mitigating impacts of climate change. In its first two years, 2hands removed 50 tonnes of waste from the centre-south east of Italy (coastlines and parks) with the help of over 2,500 volunteers.
Through Monash University, Tommaso won a Masters Impact Award in Society in 2022, with the Faculty of Science. He was also previously invited to work as a Teaching Associate for the Monash unit BEX5200 which covers climate change and carbon management strategies.
Tommaso holds a Master of Environment and Sustainability, specialising in Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Management with Monash University.