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Mendukung integritas pasar karbon sukarela di Indonesia
English version Dengan kebijakan publik yang tepat yang mendukung partisipasi pelaku usaha, Indonesia berpeluang untuk meraup keuntungan dari pasar kredit karbon internasional dan menjadi pengekspor pengurangan emisi karbon, dalam bentuk kredit karbon.
Indonesia Voluntary Carbon Market Integrity project
Baca versi Bahasa Indonesia With the right public policies allowing business participation, Indonesia has an opportunity to benefit from international sales of carbon credits and become a net exporter of abatements.
Governance strategies to mobilise waqf
The potential of waqf, a form of endowment under Islamic law, to finance the clean energy transition in Indonesia is vast.
What is waqf and how can it help finance Indonesia’s clean energy transition?
Islamic endowments, waqfs (pronounced ˈwəkf), have been gaining popularity in Indonesia as a funding source for its national climate goals. During a recent G20 Energy Transition Working Group session in Jakarta, Vice President of Indonesia Ma’ruf Amin instructed his ministers to tap into the potential of waqf, a charitable endowment or donation under Islamic law, to help finance the country’s clean energy transition.
The Briefing Room: Financing the region’s clean energy transition
Our experts share their analysis of energy transition finance, including priorities for Southeast Asia and the role that countries such as Australia can take in speeding up the transition.
ASEAN Green Future – Phase 1 Reports
Member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are already raising their climate commitments to meet the Paris Agreement aspiration of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.
Climateworks reflection: What happened at COP26 and what comes next?
The long-awaited summit marked a significant moment in climate action, with countries expected to bring greater ambition to keep 1.5 degrees within reach – a goal once seen as unrealistic, but now recognised as crucial.
Indonesia raises their net zero ambition – can they be a leader for climate commitments in Southeast Asia?
Guntur Sutiyono is our Country Lead for Indonesia.Alin Halimatussadiah is LPEM-FEBUI Head of Environmental Economics Research Group. Indonesia’s new long term low-carbon and climate resilience strategy – which includes aspirations to reach net zero emissions by 2060 or sooner – is a sign the nation can be a leader for climate ambition.
Three steps Indonesia can take to create a solid domestic carbon market
As one of the world’s largest emitters of greenhouse gases and the fourth-largest coal producer, Indonesia must continue pursuing its efforts to create a domestic carbon market.
Guiding Indonesia’s BPKP on its role in sustainable development
The Government of Indonesia is bringing to life its commitment of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 29 per cent by 2030. Crucial in achieving this goal will be holding government agencies and state-owned enterprises accountable for these targets.
Raising Indonesia’s net zero ambition: the pivotal role of energy systems in setting and reaching a net zero target
Indonesia has pledged to reach net zero by 2070. But recent developments suggest Indonesia could raise its net zero ambition to 2060, or even sooner with international support.
SEAFOAM – Southeast Asia Framework for Ocean Action in Mitigation
The ocean is a critical part of the global climate solution. This project aims to demonstrate additional ways countries can meet or raise their ambition under the world’s most important climate treaty – the Paris Agreement.
Sea of opportunity: The role of ocean mitigation in Indonesia’s decarbonisation
Ocean-based climate mitigation could provide up to one-quarter of the emissions reductions needed to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Analisis dan pemetaan Climateworks menunjukkan peluang Indonesia untuk memimpin aksi iklim berbasis kelautan
Read the English version Aksi iklim berbasis kelautan berpotensi mengurangi seperempat emisi gas rumah kaca (GRK) tahunan global, yang dijanjikan dalam Paris Agreement.
Indonesia can lead the way on ocean-based climate action. New Climateworks analysis and mapping shows how
Baca versi Bahasa Indonesia Ocean-based climate action can deliver up to a quarter of the global annual greenhouse gas emissions cuts pledged under the Paris Agreement.
Sea of opportunity: Ocean-based mitigation to support Indonesia’s climate ambition
This report assesses the mitigation potential of coastal and ocean areas and their contribution to Indonesia’s 'Second NDC', and suggests mechanisms for including the ocean in the forthcoming NDC. In addition to examining mitigation potential, it also provides details of key relevance to decision makers such as enabling and economic factors, scientific gaps and the likely flow-on effects.
Indonesia’s energy transition crossroads: New administration, old challenges
Indonesia ushered in a new presidential administration, and climate circles around the country and region are speculating what the Prabowo administration means for climate progress. Through the Paris Agreement and its Long-Term Strategy for Low Carbon and Climate Resilience 2050, Indonesia has committed to be a net zero economy, indicating it can be a low-carbon economy by 2060 or earlier. Climate is not the only item on the administration’s agenda.
Just Energy Transitions in Southeast Asia
Net zero governance frameworks are being adopted by governments across Southeast Asia. Many Southeast Asian countries have raised their climate ambition in recent years, either by strengthening their net zero goals or by more clearly articulating how they will achieve them.
What Indonesia’s next climate pledge could do for its people, environment and economy – The Briefing Room
Climateworks’ in-house experts explore what it could mean for Indonesia to increase its pledge to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.