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SEAFOAM – Southeast Asia Framework for Ocean Action in Mitigation
The ocean is a critical part of the global climate solution. This project aims to demonstrate additional ways countries can meet or raise their ambition under the world’s most important climate treaty – the Paris Agreement.
The ocean is essential to tackling climate change. So why has it been neglected in global climate talks?
Climate change is commonly discussed as though it’s a uniquely atmospheric phenomena. But the crisis is deeply entwined with the ocean, and this has largely been neglected in international climate talks.
Climateworks reflection: What happened at COP26 and what comes next?
The long-awaited summit marked a significant moment in climate action, with countries expected to bring greater ambition to keep 1.5 degrees within reach – a goal once seen as unrealistic, but now recognised as crucial.
Sali Bache: ‘Oceans and ocean based activities offer around a quarter of the solution to the 1.5 degree climate change target.’
‘I went to the beach last Wednesday and when I got home, I felt so much better. Lockdown was the longest time in my entire life that I’ve not visited the beach.
Sea of opportunity: The role of ocean mitigation in Indonesia’s decarbonisation
Ocean-based climate mitigation could provide up to one-quarter of the emissions reductions needed to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Analisis dan pemetaan Climateworks menunjukkan peluang Indonesia untuk memimpin aksi iklim berbasis kelautan
Read the English version Aksi iklim berbasis kelautan berpotensi mengurangi seperempat emisi gas rumah kaca (GRK) tahunan global, yang dijanjikan dalam Paris Agreement.
Indonesia can lead the way on ocean-based climate action. New Climateworks analysis and mapping shows how
Baca versi Bahasa Indonesia Ocean-based climate action can deliver up to a quarter of the global annual greenhouse gas emissions cuts pledged under the Paris Agreement.
Sea of opportunity: Ocean-based mitigation to support Indonesia’s climate ambition
This report assesses the mitigation potential of coastal and ocean areas and their contribution to Indonesia’s 'Second NDC', and suggests mechanisms for including the ocean in the forthcoming NDC. In addition to examining mitigation potential, it also provides details of key relevance to decision makers such as enabling and economic factors, scientific gaps and the likely flow-on effects.