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Climateworks’ Meg Argyriou joins Asia Society’s ‘Disruptive Asia’ panel.
‘How do we ensure our post-COVID recovery is green, clean, and aligned with delivering on the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals?’ That was the question posed by a special session of the ‘Disruptive Asia’ webcast held by the Asia Society on 30 July 2020, featuring Meg Argyriou (Head of International Programs at Climateworks Australia), Patrick Suckling (Asia Society Policy Institute non-resident Senior Fellow and former Australian Ambassador for the Environment), Chi Mun Woo (Partner, Sustainability and Climate Change at Deloitte) and Professor Rebekah Brown (Senior Vice-Provost and Vice Provost Research at Monash University).
Low carbon opportunities for Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam
The global economy is transitioning towards cleaner and less carbon-intensive forms of growth. Southeast Asia could be at the forefront of this emerging ‘green race.’ How can Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam take advantage of growing low-carbon markets?
Improving Australia’s light vehicle fuel efficiency
Improving the fuel efficiency of Australia’s light vehicle fleet can deliver substantial environmental and broader economic benefits. This briefing paper builds on the significant amount of work already undertaken on this issue over the past decade by government, industry, consumer groups and others.
Taking the long view
Strong economic growth can be achieved without increasing emissions. A long term approach to avoiding emissions growth is essential to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
How emerging economies can prosper in a rapidly decarbonising world
Growing prosperity does not require growing emissions. Southeast Asia and the Pacific have the chance to leapfrog redundant technologies and thrive in a decarbonised world.
Horizon to horizon
Pacific Island countries face unique challenges and vulnerabilities. As a result, countries must chart their own path towards a desirable, prosperous and sustainable future.
SMART tool
This Strategic Mitigation, Adaptation and Resilience Tool (SMART) is a downloadable Excel resource which accompanies the Horizon to Horizon guide. It has been designed to help Pacific Island leaders identify and better understand interactions between mitigation actions and adaptation and resilience priorities.
Climateworks, Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Sunway University supporting a green future for ASEAN nations
Climateworks have partnered with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development at Sunway University to build the economic and technical case for decarbonisation of seven economies in the ASEAN group: Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.
Australia signed the Paris Agreement. Then what happened?
By Emma Peterson, Anna Malos, Meg Argyriou and Anita Foerster In a little over a month, the 26th international Conference of Parties (COP) will meet – either in person or perhaps virtually – in Glasgow, Scotland.
ASEAN Green Future – Phase 1 Reports
Member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are already raising their climate commitments to meet the Paris Agreement aspiration of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.
Nations with developing economies are eager to decarbonise, they just need the finance they were promised
There is no lack of understanding in how such funds would be put to good use: Our Investment Vision Guide developed last year offers a template for how investment, once delivered, can be strategically applied.
The Briefing Room: Financing the region’s clean energy transition
Our experts share their analysis of energy transition finance, including priorities for Southeast Asia and the role that countries such as Australia can take in speeding up the transition.