Submission on the Climate Change Authority’s 2024 Targets, Pathways and Progress Issues Paper
The Climate Change Authority (the Authority) is reviewing the potential technology transition and emission pathways that will best support Australia’s transition to net zero emissions by 2050 for six sectors: agriculture and land, built environment, electricity and energy, industry and waste, resources, and transport.
Net zero foundations: Impact report 2023
As Climateworks Centre enters its 15th year of operations, we are proud to share the past year’s annual impact report, showing how we are building on the momentum and successes of our systems approach to climate mitigation.
Submission on climate-related financial disclosures to the Australian Accounting Standards Board
The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) has released Exposure Draft ED SR1 Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards – Disclosure of Climate-related Financial Information to propose climate-related financial disclosure requirements.
Submission on climate-related financial disclosure Exposure Draft legislation to Australian Treasury
Treasury sought views on the Exposure Draft legislation for climate-related financial disclosure. This consultation followed the government’s announcement of the final policy design for corporate climate-related financial disclosure requirements.
Submission to the Treasury on its second Consultation Paper on Climate-related Financial Disclosure
Climateworks works with a variety of corporations and business associations to encourage effective business reporting on climate risks, opportunities and credible transition plans.
Submission to the Climate Change Authority’s consultation on setting, tracking and achieving Australia’s emissions reduction targets
Australia has major opportunities in a net zero global economy from its renewable energy and mineral resources. However, Australia’s current high emissions intensity means that there are many challenges to transform the economy and reach net zero emissions.
Submission to Treasury on climate-related financial disclosures
Climateworks has long supported high quality standards and requirements for businesses reporting on their climate risk and opportunities. These government standards would be in line with international best practice for climate risk disclosure and mandatory reporting for certain entities – based on their size and exposure to risk.
Taking on transition: Impact report 2022
Anna Skarbek, CEO of Climateworks Centre, introduces the organisation’s 2022 impact report. In 2022, the global community held firm in its commitment to a net zero future, amidst a challenging year with continued impacts from the COVID pandemic, war in Ukraine, energy security concerns and rising living costs worldwide.
Methodology report: Assessing ASX200 alignment to the 1.5°C climate goal
Climateworks Centre has created an assessment approach to provide insights on ASX200 companies’ commitments and alignment with the Paris Agreement goal aiming to limit global warming to 1.5°C.
1.5°C climate goal: How does the ASX200 stack up in 2022?
Climateworks Centre has analysed the ASX200’s climate commitments against a 1.5°C trajectory, in line with mitigating the worst impacts of climate change.
Net Zero Momentum Tracker: Frequently asked questions
Common questions about our analysis of ASX200 emissions reduction commitments, answered. Climateworks Centre’s Net Zero Momentum Tracker provides greater visibility of corporate Australia’s progress towards a 1.5°C goal.
The Briefing Room: 2022 climate review
Hear from our experts as they track this year’s Australian corporate and government progress towards a 1.5°C future. The 2022 Australian federal election shifted the national conversation on decarbonisation, and resulted in an increase in Australia’s ambition for emissions reduction.
Corporate action for 1.5 degrees: Best practice for Australian company net zero commitments
Read our news story: Climateworks report shows what net zero best practice means for business and reveals examples of Australian companies getting it right What does it take to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees?
State and corporate climate action – closing in on 1.5
Ambitious targets are just part of the equation for a 1.5 degree future. For decision makers in both business and government, the question is: how do we get there?
Net zero momentum tracker – energy sector
Australia’s energy sector must accelerate its pace of decarbonisation if Australia is to reach net zero emissions, in line with the global climate goals.
Net zero momentum tracker – resources sector
The Australian resources sector must rise to the challenge of the global net zero transition The Net Zero Momentum Tracker Resources Sector report, the seventh sector report in a series by Climateworks Australia with the Monash Sustainable Development Institute, analyses 22 of Australia’s biggest emitters within the resources sector.
Net zero momentum tracker – superannuation sector
Super sector moves on emissions, as funds commit to net zero Superannuation is an influential component of Australia’s economy and a significant and growing source of investment in domestic assets.
Net zero momentum tracker – online
There has been no central place to track net zero emissions commitments in Australia, until now. The Net Zero Momentum Tracker monitored Australia’s progress towards net zero emissions across key sectors of the economy.
Net zero momentum tracker – transport report
More actions are needed if Australia’s transportation sector is to cut emissions in line with global goals. The Net Zero Momentum Tracker Transport Sector report evaluates the climate commitments of 32 Australian transport operators and logistics companies to assess their alignment with the goal of net zero emissions by 2050, a key element of the Paris Climate Agreement.
Net zero momentum tracker – retail report
Retailers are realising their important role in reducing Australia’s carbon emissions The latest Net Zero Momentum Tracker report assesses the emissions-reductions commitments and activities of 23 leading Australian retail companies.
Net zero momentum tracker – local government report
Local governments are seizing the chance to lead on emissions reduction. The latest Net Zero Momentum Tracker report assesses the emissions-reductions commitments and activities of Australia’s 57 largest local governments.
Net zero momentum tracker – banking sector report
Australian banks are taking steps towards net zero emissions, but actions are not yet comprehensive. Prepared by Climateworks with the Monash Sustainable Development Institute, the banking sector report is part of a series focusing on major sectors of the Australian economy as part of the Net Zero Momentum Tracker initiative.
Net zero momentum tracker – property sector report
Australia’s property sector is building momentum towards net zero emissions. Sector-wide adoption of a net zero ambition is critical to achieving Paris-aligned targets.
Could boosting energy productivity improve your investment performance? A guide for investors
A tool to encourage investors and companies to engage with energy-related issues. The guide is to be used alongside a dedicated website where investors will find detailed energy productivity findings by industrial sector and by company.