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Southeast Asia Just Energy Transition Fellowship Program: Reflections from Australia Award Fellows

Climateworks Centre presents the reflections of the Australia Awards Fellows who participated in the Southeast Asia Just Energy Transition Fellowship Program in February-March 2024.

Net zero foundations: Impact report 2023

As Climateworks Centre enters its 15th year of operations, we are proud to share the past year’s annual impact report, showing how we are building on the momentum and successes of our systems approach to climate mitigation.

Enabling investment for Vietnam’s energy transition

Vietnam’s rise to middle-income country status has been almost singular in its pace, typified by threefold growth in per-capita GDP over the past twenty years and an 11 per cent decline in the poverty rate in the last decade alone.


The supply chain of key decarbonisation technologies in Vietnam

There is now a high level of political momentum towards a net zero emissions development pathway in Vietnam. This is providing a lucrative environment for investment opportunities for green growth through a surge in demand for key decarbonisation technologies.


Fundamentals for developing a long-term renewable energy roadmap for ASEAN

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has a unique opportunity to develop a sustainable energy system based on renewable energy resources.

Submission to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040

As one of a very small group of Australian headquartered climate organisations with a Southeast Asia focus and presence, Climateworks welcomes the Australian Government’s strategic thinking on the importance of Southeast Asia.


Taking on transition: Impact report 2022

Anna Skarbek, CEO of Climateworks Centre, introduces the organisation’s 2022 impact report. In 2022, the global community held firm in its commitment to a net zero future, amidst a challenging year with continued impacts from the COVID pandemic, war in Ukraine, energy security concerns and rising living costs worldwide.

The Briefing Room: Financing the region’s clean energy transition

Our experts share their analysis of energy transition finance, including priorities for Southeast Asia and the role that countries such as Australia can take in speeding up the transition.

Forging the way: Impact report 2021

2021 was a year of important progress on climate, even as the world continued to grapple with many challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic.  The COP26 climate summit in Glasgow moved worldwide focus firmly to limiting warming to 1.5 degrees, and to ratcheting up 2030 ambition to align with this long term target.

ASEAN Green Future – Phase 1 Reports

Member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are already raising their climate commitments to meet the Paris Agreement aspiration of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.

The briefing room: Chasing Southeast Asia’s green future

What does it take to develop the ASEAN green economy? Southeast Asia plays an increasingly important role globally, with the combined GDPs of the ASEAN trading group making it the fifth largest economy in the world.


Holding focus: Impact report 2020

In 2020, Climateworks was proud to adapt and  ‘hold focus’ despite the extraordinary circumstance of operating amid a global pandemic. We entered 2020 with a newly developed strategy for the transformative decade ahead.

The briefing room: Growth through transformation – how governments can unlock investments that achieve climate and development goals

Achieving the Paris Agreement along with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requires an estimated investment of US$2.6 trillion each year over the next decade for developing countries alone.

Growth through transformation: An investment vision guide for climate and development

To achieve outcomes in line with both the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement, developing countries will require an estimated investment of US$2.6 trillion each year over the next decade.

Low carbon opportunities for Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam

The global economy is transitioning towards cleaner and less carbon-intensive forms of growth. Southeast Asia could be at the forefront of this emerging ‘green race.’ How can Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam take advantage of growing low-carbon markets?

How emerging economies can prosper in a rapidly decarbonising world

Growing prosperity does not require growing emissions. Southeast Asia and the Pacific have the chance to leapfrog redundant technologies and thrive in a decarbonised world.

Taking the long view

Strong economic growth can be achieved without increasing emissions. A long term approach to avoiding emissions growth is essential to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.