Submission on the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme for existing homes to the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) conducted a consultation into the expansion of the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) to existing homes. NatHERS currently measures the energy efficiency of new residential buildings based on a set of criteria to produce an overall energy rating for the home’s thermal shell — its walls, roof and floor. NatHERS was introduced for new buildings in 1993.
Submission on the Home Energy Ratings Disclosure Framework Version 2 to the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) has conducted a consultation on Version 2 of the Home Energy Ratings Disclosure Framework (the Framework). The Framework expands on commitments made by Australian energy ministers to deliver a national framework for home energy efficiency disclosure as part of the Trajectory for Low Energy Buildings.
Enabling Australia’s home renovation wave
The Australian Government is developing a national Net Zero Plan, to be guided by six sector plans covering all major parts of the economy.
Submission to the Senate Economic Legislation Committee on the Future Made in Australia Bills
In July 2024, the Senate of the Parliament of Australia referred the provisions of the Future Made in Australia Bill 2024 and the Future Made in Australia (Omnibus Amendments No.
Submission on the 2025 Inputs Assumptions and Scenarios Report consultation to the Australian Energy Market Operator
The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has conducted a consultation on the narratives and parameters of the scenarios that will underpin the 2025 Inputs, Assumptions, Scenarios Report (IASR). In 2023, AEMO engaged CSIRO, supported by Climateworks, to conduct multi-sector modelling to quantify the dynamic influences that would shape electricity demand under different emissions reduction scenarios.
Submission on the Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Consultation Roadmap to the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
As part of its development of the Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Roadmap and Action Plan, the Australian Government has sought views on the Consultation Roadmap, which outlines the identified pathways and the actions or policies the government will need to take to decarbonise transport and transport infrastructure.
Australia has no need for nuclear on the way to net zero
Climateworks modelling shows Australia can reach net zero emissions before 2040 with technology available today – nuclear is not part of that picture.
Submission on the draft National Roadmap for protecting and conserving 30 per cent of Australia’s land by 2030 to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
The Australian Government has committed to a national target to protect and conserve 30 per cent of Australia’s land and 30 per cent of its marine areas by 2030 (30 by 30 target).
Submission on low carbon liquid fuel opportunities for a Future Made in Australia to the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts has conducted a consultation on Future Made in Australia: Unlocking Australia’s low carbon liquid fuel opportunity. Climateworks Centre acknowledges the important role that low carbon liquid fuels (LCLFs) may have in decarbonising certain activities in transport and industry sub-sectors.
Submission on the Critical Minerals Production Tax Incentive to the Treasury of the Australian Government
The Department of the Treasury has conducted a consultation on its Critical Minerals Production Tax Incentive, which forms part of the Australian Government’s Future Made in Australia package.
Submission on the Hydrogen Production Tax Incentive to the Department of the Treasury
The Department of the Treasury has conducted a consultation on its Hydrogen Production Tax Incentive, which forms part of the Australian Governments Future Made in Australia package.
Submission on the draft National Urban Policy for Australia to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts has conducted a consultation on the draft National Urban Policy (NUP), seeking feedback on the role that all levels of government, industry and the community can play in improving Australian cities and suburbs.
Submission on minimum standards for rental properties and rooming houses to the Victorian Government Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
In June, the Victorian Government opened consultation on proposed amendments to the Residential Tenancies Regulations 2021 and the Residential Tenancies (Rooming House Standards) Regulations 2023.
Submission on draft sector guidance papers (Food and agriculture, Forestry and paper) to the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures
The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) conducted a consultation on draft sector guidance papers on Food and agriculture (F&A) and Forestry and paper (F&P).
Submission on Australia’s proposed Nature Positive laws to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
The Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has been running a series of consultations on Australia’s new Nature Positive laws.
Submission on the Net Zero Economy Authority Bills 2024 to the Australian Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration Legislation
The Senate of the Parliament of Australia referred the provisions of the Net Zero Economy Authority Bill 2024 and the Net Zero Economy Authority (Transitional Provisions) Bill 2024 to the Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration Legislation for inquiry and report, and the committee sought submissions as part of this inquiry.
Decarbonising Australia’s transport sector: Diverse solutions for a credible emissions reduction plan
Transport is currently Australia’s third-largest and fastest-growing source of emissions. Download the report [PDF] In the face of growing transport emissions and modest electric vehicle sales figures, Australia can bolster transport decarbonisation by expanding its approach to include a suite of solutions across freight and passenger transport.
How to reduce Australia’s transport emissions – The Briefing Room
Transport is Australia’s fastest-growing and third-highest emitting sector. Relying solely on one technology, such as EVs, to reduce the country’s transport emissions could put decarbonisation goals at risk and prevent the nation from seizing the opportunities presented by taking a more diverse approach.
Submission on the Climate Change Authority’s 2024 Targets, Pathways and Progress Issues Paper
The Climate Change Authority (the Authority) is reviewing the potential technology transition and emission pathways that will best support Australia’s transition to net zero emissions by 2050 for six sectors: agriculture and land, built environment, electricity and energy, industry and waste, resources, and transport.
Submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator’s Draft 2024 ISP Addendum Consultation
In April 2024, the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) invited stakeholders to provide written submissions on the content of its Draft 2024 Integrated System Plan (ISP) Addendum.
Submission on the Electricity and Energy Sector Plan to the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has conducted a consultation on its Electricity and Energy Sector Plan Discussion Paper.
Submission on the Annual Superannuation Performance Test to the Australian Treasury
The Annual Superannuation Performance Test (the test) was introduced as one of four Your Future, Your Super measures. It was introduced to protect Australians’ retirement savings by holding trustees to account for the investment performance they deliver and the fees they charge to members. Treasury is canvassing a range of options for reforming the test, should the government decide to do so in the future.
Submission on the National Battery Strategy Issues Paper to the Australian Government Department of Industry Science and Resources
In 2023, the Australian Government sought advice on the National Battery Strategy to develop industry policy for manufacturing batteries in Australia.
Net zero foundations: Impact report 2023
As Climateworks Centre enters its 15th year of operations, we are proud to share the past year’s annual impact report, showing how we are building on the momentum and successes of our systems approach to climate mitigation.
Submission on the transition to electric vehicles to an inquiry by the Australian Government Standing Committee on Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
The Australian Government Standing Committee on Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has invited written submissions as part of its inquiry into the transition to electric vehicles.
Submission on the Capacity Investment Scheme to the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
The Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has conducted a consultation on the expanded Capacity Investment Scheme.
Submission on the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard to the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts has sought responses to a consultation paper on the proposed design and implementation of the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (NVES).
How Australians benefit from climate-ready homes – The Briefing Room
Poor home energy efficiency is a reality of life for most Australians. Dwellings are expensive to heat and cool – and even then, are often still uncomfortable to live in.
Submission on climate-related financial disclosures to the Australian Accounting Standards Board
The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) has released Exposure Draft ED SR1 Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards – Disclosure of Climate-related Financial Information to propose climate-related financial disclosure requirements.
Submission on the Victorian Domestic Building Contracts Act to the Department of Government Services
In 2023, the Victorian Government announced a package of construction industry reforms aimed at protecting Victorians when they build or renovate their homes.
Submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator on its Draft 2024 Integrated System Plan
The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has conducted a consultation process on its Draft 2024 Integrated System Plan (ISP). Climateworks and CSIRO have been engaged by AEMO to conduct multi-sector modelling to quantify the dynamic influences that would shape electricity demand under different emission reduction scenarios.
Submission on climate-related financial disclosure Exposure Draft legislation to Australian Treasury
Treasury sought views on the Exposure Draft legislation for climate-related financial disclosure. This consultation followed the government’s announcement of the final policy design for corporate climate-related financial disclosure requirements.
Recommendations to accelerate and achieve net zero cities in Australia
Establishing net zero cities is critical to achieving Australia’s climate targets. Net zero cities are defined by the mitigation of emissions from the economic, social and environmental systems that make up cities.
Submission on the Agriculture and Land Sectoral Plan to the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
The Australian Government is developing an Agriculture and Land Sectoral Plan to describe how Australia can reach its net zero by 2050 goal.
Climate-ready homes: Building the case for a renovation wave in Australia
Our homes are a huge part of our lives. On average, people spend around two-thirds of their lives in their homes.
Submission to Treasury on the Australian Government’s Sustainable Finance Strategy
Treasury has sought feedback on its Sustainable Finance Strategy consultation paper [PDF], released in November 2023. Climateworks supports the development of the Strategy, with the aim of providing an ambitious and comprehensive framework for reducing barriers to investment in Australia’s pathway to net zero.
Submission on the Australian Government’s Future Gas Strategy
The Australian Government is developing a Future Gas Strategy, that will provide a medium (to 2035) and long-term (to 2050) plan for gas production and consumption in Australia.
Climateworks Centre decarbonisation scenarios 2023: Australia can still meet the Paris Agreement
Climateworks Centre has a decade-long history of using scenario modelling to inform debate around decarbonisation pathways for Australia’s economy. Our latest scenarios show Australia can reduce emissions by 85 per cent by 2035.
Climateworks Centre decarbonisation scenarios 2023: About the modelling
Our model, AusTIMES, was developed by Climateworks and CSIRO based on the globally-recognised TIMES model from the International Energy Agency. AusTIMES provides a view of how the entire Australian economy could decarbonise at the lowest cost over time.
Briefing Room: Our new decarbonisation scenarios for Australia
Our latest decarbonisation pathways for Australia’s economy show Australia can still decarbonise in line with the Paris Agreement, with increased ambition.
Delivering freight decarbonisation: Strategies for reducing Australia’s transport emissions
To meet national climate targets and international climate commitments, Australia is undertaking economy-wide decarbonisation. One of the critical sectors to decarbonise is transport.
Submission on the Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU) Scheme to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
The Australian Government is seeking feedback on how to implement recommendations about improving transparency of the Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU) Scheme.
Submission to the review of the National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy
The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts is conducting a review into the National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy.
Submission to the Senate Economics References Committee on Residential Electrification
The Senate Economics References Committee is conducting an inquiry into residential electrification. Upgrading residential buildings will help Australia develop a clean energy grid and ultimately achieve net zero emissions.
Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission on unlocking Customer Energy Resources benefits through flexible trading
The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) has published a Directions Paper on its requested rule change Unlocking CER benefits through flexible trading.
Nature and climate: Measuring natural capital in Australia
Globally, the race is on to reduce emissions and protect ecosystems – as limiting warming to 1.5C is only possible by doing both.
Submission to the Treasury on its second Consultation Paper on Climate-related Financial Disclosure
Climateworks works with a variety of corporations and business associations to encourage effective business reporting on climate risks, opportunities and credible transition plans.
Submission to the Climate Change Authority’s consultation on setting, tracking and achieving Australia’s emissions reduction targets
Australia has major opportunities in a net zero global economy from its renewable energy and mineral resources. However, Australia’s current high emissions intensity means that there are many challenges to transform the economy and reach net zero emissions.
Submission on the Australian Government’s Fuel Efficiency Standard Consultation Paper
Climateworks Centre supports the Australian Government’s commitment to introduce a fuel efficiency standard (FES) at this critical time for decarbonising transport.
How to decarbonise Australia: Industry, energy and technology – Part 2
There is no single pathway to decarbonisation for Australia. Despite limited time to meet our 1.5°C targets, there are a range of ways the country can get there, with opportunities across sectors to seize the benefits of a net zero future.
Brief for policy-makers: Renewable energy industrial precincts
Australia’s industrial regions play an essential role in the nation’s economy. They also produce a significant proportion of Australia’s emissions and contribute considerably to the country’s energy use. Five regions alone – Gladstone, Pilbara, Kwinana, Hunter, and Illawarra – supply a combined A$166 billion to Australia’s Gross Domestic Product and employ 2.9 per cent of Australia’s workforce. They also account for more than 16 per cent of Australia’s Greenhouse Gas emissions each year (Climateworks Centre and Climate-KIC Australia 2022).
Renovation Pathways: Defining zero carbon homes for a climate resilient future
Australia’s 11 million homes are responsible for over 10 per cent of its total emissions and more than 25 per cent of electricity consumption.
Renovation Pathways: Project update and preliminary findings of cost-benefit analysis, April 2023
Residential homes are at the forefront of climate change in Australia. With most built before energy performance requirements, residential buildings make up more than 10% of Australia’s emissions.
The Briefing Room: How to decarbonise industry in Australia – Part 1
With a revised safeguard mechanism and other climate policies now in place, the table is set for Australia to transition to net zero emissions.
Submission to Treasury on climate-related financial disclosures
Climateworks has long supported high quality standards and requirements for businesses reporting on their climate risk and opportunities. These government standards would be in line with international best practice for climate risk disclosure and mandatory reporting for certain entities – based on their size and exposure to risk.
Submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator on their Inputs, Assumptions and Scenarios Report that will inform energy system planning
We welcomed the opportunity to work with the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) to model scenarios from narratives designed by AEMO and its stakeholders for this Integrated System Plan (ISP).This submission provides recommendations on how the Inputs, Assumptions and Scenarios Report (IASR) might inform the ISP and further strengthen and future-proof it.
Submission on the Safeguard Mechanism
Climateworks supports introducing declining baselines in the Safeguard Mechanism as a key policy lever to accelerate emissions reductions in the highest emitting facilities in Australia.
The role of regenerative agriculture in sustainable land use
Agriculture is a key export industry for Australia, the heart of many rural communities, and a significant source of employment. But covering more than half of Australia’s land mass, agriculture is also the main cause of human-induced land clearing and a driver of land degradation – and accounts for 16 per cent of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Taking on transition: Impact report 2022
Anna Skarbek, CEO of Climateworks Centre, introduces the organisation’s 2022 impact report. In 2022, the global community held firm in its commitment to a net zero future, amidst a challenging year with continued impacts from the COVID pandemic, war in Ukraine, energy security concerns and rising living costs worldwide.
Pathways to industrial decarbonisation: Positioning Australian industry to prosper in a net zero global economy
In 2023, there is international accord that urgent action is required to reduce emissions in line with Paris Agreement goals and limit warming to below 2°C, and preferably to 1.5°C.
Submission to the Australian Governments’ consultation on proposed legislative changes to incorporate an emissions reduction objective into the national energy objectives
The transformation of the energy system is crucial for the decarbonisation of Australia’s economy. It has substantial emissions in its own right – with electricity generation around a third of national emissions and other stationary energy around another fifth.
Submission to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s consultation on the Powering the Regions Fund
Climateworks supports the government’s creation of funds such as the Powering the Regions Fund to support rapid economic transition to a net zero emissions economy.
Submission to the Department of Industry, Science and Resources’ consultation on the National Reconstruction Fund
Climateworks supports the government’s creation of funds such as the National Reconstruction Fund (NRF). We see a strong benefit from government financing to support the rapid transition to a net zero global economy, back regional industry and deliver secure jobs of the future.
Submission to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s consultation on the National Energy Performance Strategy
Climateworks Centre supports the creation of the National Energy Performance Strategy (NEPS). Climateworks modelling shows the importance of energy performance improvements.
Submission to Treasury on Measuring What Matters
Climateworks supports the development by Treasury of a Measuring What Matters Statement, and the development of an Australian framework for wellbeing to complement traditional fiscal macro-economic indicators.
Government climate action: Leading policies and programs in Australia
This report analyses targets, policies and programs announced by Australian federal, state and territory governments, with a focus on policies introduced since the publication of our previous report on state and territory climate action. Building on previous emissions reduction commitments (our 2021 report found that state and territory interim targets translated to an estimated 37–42 per cent reduction below 2005 emissions by 2030, Australia-wide) the states and territories continue to increase their climate action, allocating billions of dollars to emissions reduction measures and making significant regulatory and legislative changes. At a national level, the federal government this year legislated national emissions reduction targets of 43 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050, reflecting an increase in ambition.
Methodology report: Assessing ASX200 alignment to the 1.5°C climate goal
Climateworks Centre has created an assessment approach to provide insights on ASX200 companies’ commitments and alignment with the Paris Agreement goal aiming to limit global warming to 1.5°C.
1.5°C climate goal: How does the ASX200 stack up in 2022?
Climateworks Centre has analysed the ASX200’s climate commitments against a 1.5°C trajectory, in line with mitigating the worst impacts of climate change.
Net Zero Momentum Tracker: Frequently asked questions
Common questions about our analysis of ASX200 emissions reduction commitments, answered. Climateworks Centre’s Net Zero Momentum Tracker provides greater visibility of corporate Australia’s progress towards a 1.5°C goal.
The Briefing Room: 2022 climate review
Hear from our experts as they track this year’s Australian corporate and government progress towards a 1.5°C future. The 2022 Australian federal election shifted the national conversation on decarbonisation, and resulted in an increase in Australia’s ambition for emissions reduction.
Submission on the National Electric Vehicle Strategy Consultation Paper
Climateworks Centre welcomes the Federal Government’s commitment to developing a National Electric Vehicle Strategy (NEVS) at this critical time for decarbonising transport.
Submission on Victoria’s emissions reduction target for 2035
Note: In this submission provided to the Victorian Government in May 2022, we recommended Victoria set a 2035 emissions reduction target of 75-80 per cent below 2005 levels, based on a 1.5 degrees Celsius least cost pathway for Australia.
Accelerating EV uptake: Policies to realise Australia’s electric vehicle potential
The global shift to electric vehicles (EVs) is well underway, but Australia’s EV uptake lags behind this trend. In 2021, just two per cent of cars sold in Australia were EVs, despite half of all Australians seeing their next car purchase as an EV.
Setting up industrial regions for net zero – Australian Industry Energy Transitions Initiative Phase 2 report
Australia’s industrial regions are significant in terms of their emissions, energy use and contribution to the economy. With net zero emissions targets now set at state and national levels, targets for industrial regions can facilitate planning and action, and guide decision making for the long-term transition.
Living within limits: Adapting the planetary boundaries to understand Australia’s contribution to planetary health
The Land Use Futures program at Climateworks Centre has adapted the global planetary boundaries framework to Australia, outlining how the nation is tracking against its share of the boundaries and what this means for the land use sector.
The briefing room: Decarbonising regional Australia
Australia’s regions face growing uncertainty as shifts to decarbonise global supply chains risk leaving industrial regions behind. Yet the global shifts present enormous opportunities for economic growth while significantly reducing emissions across the country.
The briefing room: The twin challenge of tackling climate change while preserving nature
To limit warming to 1.5°C we need global emissions reduction as scale. But the protection and restoration of nature will also be vital to climate solutions.
Forging the way: Impact report 2021
2021 was a year of important progress on climate, even as the world continued to grapple with many challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic. The COP26 climate summit in Glasgow moved worldwide focus firmly to limiting warming to 1.5 degrees, and to ratcheting up 2030 ambition to align with this long term target.
The Land Use Trade-offs model
The Land Use Trade-offs model has groundbreaking capabilities to consider the potential impact of land use practices across Australia, as well as potential changes in domestic and overseas demand for agricultural products.
Climateworks Australia’s submission to the Inquiry into Renewable Energy in Victoria
In November 2021, Climateworks had the opportunity to respond to the Inquiry into Renewable Energy in Victoria. Climateworks supports transitioning Victoria to 100 per cent renewable energy.
Climateworks Australia’s submission to the draft bill for amending Tasmania’s Climate Change (State Action) Act 2008
In November 2021, Climateworks had the opportunity to respond to the consultation process on the draft bill for amending Tasmania’s Climate Change (State Action) Act 2008. Climateworks congratulates the Tasmanian Government on continuing its leading action on climate change through this amendment of its Climate Change (State Action) Act 2008.
The briefing room: After COP26 – How infrastructure can help deliver net zero
What does the future of Australia’s infrastructure look like, when seen through a low-carbon lens? Infrastructure influences around 70 per cent of Australia’s annual greenhouse gas emissions.
Climateworks submission on the Safeguard Crediting Mechanism Discussion Paper
In October Climateworks Australia had the opportunity to respond to the Discussion Paper: King Review Safeguard Crediting Mechanism (the Discussion Paper) of the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (the Department).
Climateworks submission to National Construction Code Public Comment Draft (Stage 2)
In October 2021 Climateworks had the opportunity to respond to the energy efficiency provisions of the National Construction Code Public Comment Draft.
Corporate action for 1.5 degrees: Best practice for Australian company net zero commitments
Read our news story: Climateworks report shows what net zero best practice means for business and reveals examples of Australian companies getting it right What does it take to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees?
State and territory climate action: Leading policies and programs in Australia
All Australian state and territory governments are now committed to net zero emissions by 2050 or earlier. These commitments cover all emissions produced within Australia’s borders.
State and corporate climate action – closing in on 1.5
Ambitious targets are just part of the equation for a 1.5 degree future. For decision makers in both business and government, the question is: how do we get there?
Setting up industry for net zero – Australian Industry Energy Transitions Initiative Phase 1 report
Emissions from Australia’s industrial supply chains are considered ‘hard-to-abate’ because addressing them poses more technological and commercial challenges than encountered in other sectors of the economy.
The briefing room: Industry and the global net zero transition
Australia can be competitive and remain a major export economy as the world decarbonises. But the transition challenges are real, and the solutions go beyond what a single player can achieve alone.
Climateworks Australia submission to Queensland’s Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Strategy
In July 2021 Climateworks had to opportunity to provide input to Queensland’s new Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Strategy. The submission draws from our Decarbonisation Futures scenario modelling, our Moving to Zero transport report, and a comparison of current Queensland zero-emissions vehicles policy and leading policies inother states and territories.
The briefing room: Transforming our food and land use systems – global trends and Australia’s opportunity
On Tuesday 20 July Climateworks Australia hosted a UN Food Systems Summit Independent Dialogue, putting the spotlight on sustainable food and land use systems, and the role Australia can play in supporting climate outcomes.
Net zero momentum tracker – energy sector
Australia’s energy sector must accelerate its pace of decarbonisation if Australia is to reach net zero emissions, in line with the global climate goals.
Climateworks submissions to the review of Tasmania’s Climate Change (State Action) Act 2008 and the consultation on Tasmania’s next climate change action plan
The independent review of Tasmania’s Climate Change (State Action) Act 2008 provides an opportunity to bring Tasmania’s legislation in line with the state’s ambition to be a world leader on climate change, and in line with the state’s unique emissions profile.
Climateworks submission to the Future Fuels Strategy: Discussion Paper ‘Powering Choice’
In April 2021 Climateworks had the opportunity to respond to the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources Future Fuels Strategy: Discussion Paper ‘Powering Choice’.
Holding focus: Impact report 2020
In 2020, Climateworks was proud to adapt and ‘hold focus’ despite the extraordinary circumstance of operating amid a global pandemic. We entered 2020 with a newly developed strategy for the transformative decade ahead.
Climateworks submission to the Infrastructure Victoria draft 30-year infrastructure strategy
Climateworks supports Infrastructure Victoria’s recommendations that will strengthen the alignment of infrastructure planning, assessment, investment decisions and delivery with the Climate Change Act 2017, which includes a target of net zero emissions by 2050.
Climateworks Submission on the Climate Change 2020 Bills.
A Climate Change Act for Australia would create structure and transparency at the national level so that the nation can meet the goals of the Paris Agreement in an effective manner.
Net zero momentum tracker – resources sector
The Australian resources sector must rise to the challenge of the global net zero transition The Net Zero Momentum Tracker Resources Sector report, the seventh sector report in a series by Climateworks Australia with the Monash Sustainable Development Institute, analyses 22 of Australia’s biggest emitters within the resources sector.
Food and land use transitions: Securing a healthy and productive ocean
Producing more ocean-based protein from sustainable fishing and aquaculture is possible but depends upon protection and restoration of marine and estuarine ecosystems.
Building our future event series – Sustainable finance: Pathways, policy and trends
On Tuesday 8 December 2020 Climateworks and the British High Comission hosted a discussion on pathways to a robust and competitive sustainable finance sector in Australia.
Recover and reduce – Prudent investments to boost the economy and lower emissions
The COVID-19 pandemic is profoundly affecting all Australian jurisdictions and sectors. The economic fallout is ongoing, unresolved, and the full extent of the impacts are unknown.
Net zero momentum tracker – superannuation sector
Super sector moves on emissions, as funds commit to net zero Superannuation is an influential component of Australia’s economy and a significant and growing source of investment in domestic assets.
Food and land use transitions: Prioritising diversity and inclusion
Meaningfully contributing to overcoming systemic diversity and inclusion challenges in food and land use should be prioritised within each transition. Read about how Australia is progressing towards this transition.
Food and land use transitions: Promoting healthy diets
A shift towards more plant-rich diets could meet human health and nutritional needs while minimising environmental impacts. Read about how Australia is progressing towards this transition.
Food and land use transitions: Diversifying sources of protein
Expanding the range of protein sources could provide health benefits, free up land and water for other uses, and cut methane and greenhouse gas emissions, while opening up new economic opportunities.
Food and land use transitions: Building local loops and linkages
Circular local food economies can reduce environmental impacts, build resilience and improve security of fresh food by shortening supply chains and repurposing urban waste streams.
Food and land use transitions: Harnessing the digital revolution
Digital technologies and big data can support each of the other transitions through improved supply chain transparency and alignment to economic, social and environmental objectives.
Food and land use transitions: Reducing food loss and waste
Efficiency and optimisation, redistribution of excess food and repurposing of unavoidable food waste can reduce pressure on the climate, water and land resources, while delivering economic benefits.
Climateworks submission to NSW housing strategy discussion paper
Development of the Housing Strategy for NSW is timely. As NSW manages and emerges from coronavirus, policy makers now have the opportunity to invest in initiatives that create jobs, restart the economy and help meet the state’s Net Zero Plan Stage 1: 2020-2030 and net zero emissions by 2050 target.
Food and land use transitions: Strengthening and diversifying rural and regional livelihoods
Each transition must support stronger, more diverse and more resilient rural and regional livelihoods Read about how Australia is progressing towards this transition.
Food and land use transitions: Scaling productive and regenerative agriculture
Changing farming practices and technologies can improve profitability and resilience while reducing and reversing climate, environmental and other impacts. Read about how Australia is progressing towards this transition.
Food and land use transitions: Protecting and restoring nature
It is possible to both produce affordable, nutritious food and fibre while protecting and rehabilitating the ecosystems that underpin human health, livelihoods, food security and wellbeing.
The Briefing Room: Retrofit for purpose – net zero in the built environment
Climateworks’ Decarbonisation Futures sets an urgent challenge: energy performance of housing must improve, on average, by nearly fifty percent in the next decade for Australia to reach net zero emissions by 2050.
Submission to the Australian Government’s Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper
Climateworks has made a submission to the Australian Government’s Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper. Climateworks welcomes the paper’s recognition of the suite of solutions available to reduce Australian emissions.
Net zero momentum tracker – online
There has been no central place to track net zero emissions commitments in Australia, until now. The Net Zero Momentum Tracker monitored Australia’s progress towards net zero emissions across key sectors of the economy.
The briefing room: Food and land use transitions
Globally, experts have identified ten critical transitions that can improve how we produce food and manage land. These include ways to cut emissions, enhance ecosystems, build regional communities’ resilience and protect food security.
The briefing room: Transport – moving to zero
New Climateworks research identifies the solutions available now to shift Australia’s transport network to net zero emissions. But the barriers are real.
Moving to zero
Australia’s first comprehensive guide to reaching zero emissions in the transport sector. Moving to zero: Accelerating the transition to zero-emissions transport is Australia’s first comprehensive guide to reaching zero emissions in the transportation sector.
Net zero momentum tracker – transport report
More actions are needed if Australia’s transportation sector is to cut emissions in line with global goals. The Net Zero Momentum Tracker Transport Sector report evaluates the climate commitments of 32 Australian transport operators and logistics companies to assess their alignment with the goal of net zero emissions by 2050, a key element of the Paris Climate Agreement.
The briefing room: Industry transitions
The positive outcomes for Australia’s economy in a shift towards zero emissions are well-canvassed. But what does this look like for heavy industry, in the context of the economic recovery?
The briefing room: The energy transition
Recent research from Climateworks and CSIRO shows that viable paths to zero emissions exist for all major economic sectors in Australia. On 13 May 2020 as part of the Climateworks webinar series ‘the briefing room’, CEO Anna Skarbek joined CSIRO’s Chief Energy Economist Paul Graham and Morgan Stanley’s Rob Koh on the pathway to net zero energy.
The briefing room: Decarbonisation Futures
In April 2020 Climateworks Australia launched Decarbonisation Futures, which sets out detailed evidence of how major sectors of the Australian economy can move to net zero emissions and keep warming below 2 degrees, and even 1.5 degrees.
Net zero momentum tracker – retail report
Retailers are realising their important role in reducing Australia’s carbon emissions The latest Net Zero Momentum Tracker report assesses the emissions-reductions commitments and activities of 23 leading Australian retail companies.
Decarbonisation Futures: Solutions, actions and benchmarks for a net zero emissions Australia
Climateworks’ seminal report shows how technologies in each sector can achieve climate goals in Australia when rebuilding the economy to be resilient for the future.
Issues paper: Reshaping Infrastructure for a net zero emissions future
Infrastructure has a significant, lasting influence on Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions. Around 70% of Australia’s emissions are associated with infrastructure projects, according to the issues paper published in partnership by the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA), Climateworks Australia and the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (ASBEC).
Net zero momentum tracker – local government report
Local governments are seizing the chance to lead on emissions reduction. The latest Net Zero Momentum Tracker report assesses the emissions-reductions commitments and activities of Australia’s 57 largest local governments.
Submission to the Government of Western Australia on Climate Change
In December 2019 Climateworks took the opportunity to respond to the Government of Western Australia’s Climate change in Western Australia Issues paper – September 2019.
Submission to consultation on Building energy efficiency in new commercial buildings in the Northern Territory
Improved energy performance of buildings presents a win-win-win opportunity. In January 2020 Climateworks was invited to provide input on the Northern Territory Government consultation into the adoption of minimum energy requirements for new commercial buildings.
Submission to the inquiry into electric buses in regional and metropolitan public transport networks in New South Wales
Electric buses can reduce costs, improve air quality and support local industries. In December 2019 Climateworks Australia was invited to make a submission to the New South Wales government inquiry into electric buses for regional and metropolitan public transport networks.
Net zero momentum tracker – banking sector report
Australian banks are taking steps towards net zero emissions, but actions are not yet comprehensive. Prepared by Climateworks with the Monash Sustainable Development Institute, the banking sector report is part of a series focusing on major sectors of the Australian economy as part of the Net Zero Momentum Tracker initiative.
Land use futures – natural capital roadmap
Our natural resources are an asset. ‘Natural capital’ positions our environment alongside other forms of economic management to inform decision making.
Net zero momentum tracker – property sector report
Australia’s property sector is building momentum towards net zero emissions. Sector-wide adoption of a net zero ambition is critical to achieving Paris-aligned targets.
Australian National Outlook
The year is 2060, and what does Australia look like? Have we harnessed social, economic and environmental opportunities? Or are we in a slow decline?
Australia’s land use
A web interactive exploring the different ways Australia’s land is used and managed. Australia’s land use forms part of the Land Use Futures program, which is working to develop integrated pathways and roadmaps for sustainable food and land use in Australia.
Electric vehicle ready local government fleets: increasing uptake and ambition
Transport is one of the fastest growing sources of emissions in Australia. Electric vehicles fuelled by renewable energy can drastically reduce the sector’s emissions.
Zeroing In: impact report 2017-18
In 2017-18, Climateworks zeroed in on the net zero goal, backed by funders, leaders and partners like you. This is your impact.
Built to Perform in northern Australia
New buildings in northern Australia present unique opportunities and challenges in reducing emissions. Differing climate, materials and practices make a region-specific pathway essential.
Decarbonisation futures: industry
Can we reduce emissions and grow our industrial sector by transforming the way we extract, make and supply goods? Decarbonisation Futures: Industry has found that there are innovations that can help reduce emissions while growing industry in Australia.
Decarbonisation Futures: buildings
Can innovation in buildings help shift our trajectory towards decarbonisation? The buildings sector is the driver of about a fifth of Australia’s emissions.
Tracking progress to net zero emissions
Australia is not on track to reach emissions reduction targets under the Paris Agreement. But opportunities exist in proven technologies across electricity, industry, buildings, land and transport.
Built to perform
To reach our climate goals, we must start building for a net zero future now. In July 2018, the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (ASBEC) and Climateworks Australia released Built to Perform as part of the Building Code Energy Performance Project.
The state of electric vehicles in Australia – second report
Australia’s electric vehicle industry is growing on the back of global trends, media interest and consumer awareness. But it still lags behind the rest of the world.
Plug and play – second report
Going forward, Australia’s electricity network may be less reliant on large, centralised electricity generation. More individuals and businesses are installing renewable generation of their own.
Climateworks review of Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (GEMS) Act
The Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (GEMS) Act and the Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) Program, deliver harmonised efficiency standards and labelling for equipment and appliances.
The bottom line
Delaying improved energy requirements in the Building Code has real household impacts. The National Construction Code influences the energy efficiency of new buildings and major renovations.
The future of private transport in Australia
How can we move people and goods in the most efficient, safe and sustainable way? Private transport is transforming rapidly as electric and autonomous vehicles, car and ride share services disrupt the status quo.
Solving the gas crisis: A big problem deserves a big solution
Australia is facing a gas crisis due to a mismatch between domestic supply and demand in the east coast market, driven by rapid growth in the LNG export market and the absence of a comprehensive national energy policy.
Building momentum: impact report 2016-17
In 2016-17, Climateworks built momentum towards net zero by 2050, through collaborative projects and solo initiatives. 2016-17 was a year of growth across government and industry in recognising and prioritising our Paris Agreement commitments.
Joint submission to the ministerial forum on vehicle emissions: proposed fuel efficiency standard for light vehicles
Improving light vehicle fuel efficiency can help Australia deliver on our international commitments, improve air quality, health outcomes and deliver financial savings.
Building code energy performance trajectory project – issues paper
Energy requirements for new construction in building codes are key to reaching energy and emissions goals. In 2017 Climateworks Australia partnered with the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (ASBEC) to develop an industry-led pathway for energy requirements within the National Construction Code (NCC).
Power up: Australia’s electricity sector can and should do more to deliver on our climate commitments
The electricity sector can deliver emissions reductions across Australia’s economy, ensuring we meet our Paris commitments at the lowest cost possible.
The state of electric vehicles in Australia
Electric vehicles are a proven technology with strong environmental, economic and social benefits. Electric vehicles powered by renewable energy can reduce emissions and could help Australia meet its Paris-aligned targets at a lower cost.
Submission to the review of Australia’s climate change policies
Australia should set a long term goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. Australia has committed to the Paris Agreement which sets out collective global action to avoid dangerous climate change.
Plug and play: Facilitating grid connection of low emissions technologies – Consultation summary paper
A major transformation in the structure of Australia’s electricity sector is taking shape. Australia must do its fair share in the global effort against climate change.
Could boosting energy productivity improve your investment performance? A guide for investors
A tool to encourage investors and companies to engage with energy-related issues. The guide is to be used alongside a dedicated website where investors will find detailed energy productivity findings by industrial sector and by company.
Low carbon high performance buildings
How buildings can make a major contribution to Australia’s emissions and productivity goals Australia’s built environment presents a cost-effective emissions reduction opportunity.
Towards fuel efficient, lower emission light vehicles: Submission to the vehicle emissions discussion paper
The transport sector is one of the fastest growing sources of emissions within Australia, increasing by 47.5% since 1990. It also represents one of the most financially attractive emission reduction opportunities across the Australian economy.
The path forward for electric vehicles in Australia – Joint submission to the Federal Government vehicle emissions discussion paper
‘The path forward for electric vehicles in Australia’ has been prepared by a collaboration of industry representatives from the Electric Vehicle ecosystem, to explore the role of electric vehicles in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality and achieving improvements in energy productivity.
Improving the fuel efficiency of the Victorian Government’s passenger vehicle fleet
Climateworks has identified clear improvement opportunities for fuel efficiency of the Victorian Government’s passenger vehicle fleet. This report provides an overview of the current fuel efficiency of the Victorian Government’s passenger vehicle fleet and considers a range of potential short and long term options to overcome key barriers to achieve improvements.
A prosperous, net zero pollution Australia starts today
Australia has an opportunity. We can do our fair share, helping to keep global warming below two degrees, while creating a cleaner, modern, and more sustainable future.
Australia’s energy productivity potential
Australia could nearly double energy productivity by 2030, and boost competitiveness with other countries. Climateworks’ research shows that the potential exists to nearly double the energy productivity of the Australian economy by 2030, through investing in the modernisation of our energy system, and taking advantage of recent technological developments.
Energy management and company competitiveness
Energy, once perceived as a relatively low fixed cost, is now becoming an important variable cost that impacts on profits. This report outlines a methodology to assist companies to gain a deeper understanding of energy risks and the opportunities associated with improved energy performance.
Pathways to deep decarbonisation in 2050: how Australia can prosper in a low carbon world
Australia can prosper in a low carbon world. Cost-effective technologies already exist to reach net zero emissions by mid-century. In 2014, as part of the global 2050 Deep Decarbonisation Pathways Project, Climateworks and the Australian National University published ‘Pathways to Deep Decarbonisation by 2050: How Australia can prosper in a low carbon world’.
Improving Australia’s light vehicle fuel efficiency
Improving the fuel efficiency of Australia’s light vehicle fleet can deliver substantial environmental and broader economic benefits. This briefing paper builds on the significant amount of work already undertaken on this issue over the past decade by government, industry, consumer groups and others.
Industrial demand side response potential
This report was commissioned by the federal government as a first step in improving public information on demand response potential in the industrial sector.
Tracking progress towards a low carbon economy
‘Tracking progress’ is the first whole-of-economy report on Australia’s progress in reducing emissions. The report covers key sectors – power, industry, buildings, land use, and waste.
Industrial energy efficiency data analysis project (IEEDA)
This series investigates the energy efficiency opportunities available to medium to large industrial energy users. In 2012, Climateworks published the Inputs to the energy savings initiative modelling from the Industrial energy efficiency data analysis project and a summary report Industrial energy efficiency: summary of key findings from the ESI data analysis project.
IEEDA – summary of key findings from the ESI Project
Extensive analysis has created a significantly more detailed picture of energy efficiency opportunities in the industrial sector than was previously available.
Low carbon lifestyles: A practical guide for households
Householders can save money on their electricity bill while reducing their impact on the environment. The Low Carbon Lifestyles report, commissioned by Origin Energy and prepared by Climateworks and CSIRO, identifies different actions householders can take right now to reduce their energy use or switch to cleaner energy.
IEEDA – inputs to the ESI modelling
The ‘Industrial energy efficiency data analysis (IEEDA)’ project was commissioned by the federal government and state governments through the National Strategy on Energy Efficiency.
Low carbon growth plan for Gippsland
The low carbon growth plan for Gippsland maps out the lowest cost emissions reductions opportunities for the Gippsland region in south-east Victoria.
Unlocking barriers to cogeneration – project outcomes report
Increasingly, Australian property developers and owners are seeking to incorporate cogeneration into their existing buildings and new developments. Cogeneration (combined heat and power) and trigeneration (combined cooling, heat and power) offer Australia significant environmental and economic benefits in the short and long term.
Low carbon growth plan for Greater Geelong
Greater Geelong is a city of contrasts, spanning a beautiful coastal environment, a thriving urban centre and the natural beauty of regional lakes, hills and plains.
Commercial buildings emissions reduction opportunities
There is more to commercial buildings than offices. Some promising solutions to commercial buildings emissions reduction are already in place on a small scale in Australia.
Low carbon growth plan for Australia
The low carbon growth plan is the first economy-wide emissions reduction strategy developed for Australia. It clearly identifies that Australia can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions between now and 2020 at low cost.