Australia’s regions face growing uncertainty as shifts to decarbonise global supply chains risk leaving industrial regions behind. Yet the global shifts present enormous opportunities for economic growth while significantly reducing emissions across the country.
Hear from Climateworks Centre experts as they present two initiatives that are aimed at unlocking abatement in regional Australia, in this video webinar presented by Climateworks CEO Anna Skarbek.
Rob Kelly, Climateworks Industry System Lead and Program Director of the Australian Industry Energy Transitions Initiative (ETI) presents the initiative’s latest analysis of five heavy industry supply chains in the Australian regions of Pilbara, Kwinana, Hunter, Illawarra and Gladstone. These key industrial regions have a potential abatement of 70 MtCO₂e — an 88% reduction on current emissions — with effective, timely action.
Rupert Posner, Climateworks’ Sustainable Economies Lead will discuss the win-win solution presented by Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts, a collaborative project working to enable regional industry to accelerate emissions reductions, which reduces industrial emissions while maintaining existing energy dependent industries and attracting new ones. He will outline how co-investment from government with industry and private finance can secure the prosperity of Australian industry and be scaled up and replicated across other sectors.
‘The Briefing Room: Decarbonising regional Australia’ was held live online on 21 June, 2022 at 2pm AEST.
Watch more from the Briefing Room: