In April 2024, the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) invited stakeholders to provide written submissions on the content of its Draft 2024 Integrated System Plan (ISP) Addendum.
Climateworks has worked with CSIRO to develop the first step in each of AEMO’s ISPs.
We contribute the whole of economy modelling that builds least cost pathways, and our assumptions for the 2024 ISP are reported in our submission to AEMO on its Inputs, Assumptions and Scenarios Report.
There are areas of query raised by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) about the ISP and their areas of concern are beyond the scope of our work on the ISP.
However, we have researched the first four AER points:
- Scenarios for sensitivity analysis and presentation of results
- Consumer energy resources
- Jurisdictional policies for renewable energy zones (REZs) and
- Firming and storage in REZ’s.
We have explained our key advice on these four AER points, though we have combined our opinions on points three and four under one final section.