A major transformation in the structure of Australia’s electricity sector is taking shape.

Australia must do its fair share in the global effort against climate change. To do so, innovative technologies and business models are needed in the energy market. Plug and Play identifies solutions to make grid connections for existing and emerging technologies as straightforward and cost-effective as possible.
The paper builds on previous work by Climateworks Australia and Seed Advisory.
This paper outlines the findings from the first stage of the project, informed by desktop research and initial consultations with stakeholders.
The paper summarises:
- issues for the electricity system and key features of the way it is changing
- the importance of introducing harmonised connection requirements for new equipment, such as batteries and solar panels, onto the grid
- problems arising from the current connection process
- Characteristics of preferred solutions.
- Consistent national standard with rare exceptions
- Minimum performance standards, set independently
- Responsiveness to technological change
- Competitive neutrality
- other barriers