Going forward, Australia’s electricity network may be less reliant on large, centralised electricity generation. More individuals and businesses are installing renewable generation of their own.

‘Plug and Play – Enabling distributed generation through effective grid connection standards’ is the second report for this project. It aims to improve the transparency, oversight and representation of customers in network access.
Climateworks Australia and Seed Advisory published the first report for this project in February 2017. In this second report, we proposed a program for shifting from the current process for developing network access requirements. We identified three actions that could improve the process:
Action 1: A framework for network access requirements
Action 2: Representing customers in the development of Australian standards
Action 3: Adopting International Standards.
Both Action 2 and Action 3 address the need for better customer representation in the development of access requirements
Effective distribution network connection requirements will ensure fair and transparent distributed electricity transition. The recommendations are designed to balance customer interests alongside network safety and performance.