Pacific Island countries face unique challenges and vulnerabilities. As a result, countries must chart their own path towards a desirable, prosperous and sustainable future.

Horizon to Horizon is a Pacific Island country guide to creating long term, economy-wide strategies. This guide was developed in close consultation with stakeholders from across the Pacific. It explores how we create long-term resilience, net zero emissions development and a sustainable future.

The advantages of low emissions development for Pacific islands countries include:

  • Holistic long term planning that incorporates all national priorities
  • Energy security through a transition to energy independence
  • Avoiding ‘lock-in’ of high emissions in long lived infrastructure and assets, and ‘lock-out’ of opportunities for reducing emissions
  • Resilience of terrestrial and marine ecosystems, sustaining natural resources and environment
  • Improved human health
  • Showcasing potential as leaders in inclusive, low-carbon development
  • The win-win outcomes of tackling adaptation and mitigation together
  • Pipeline of projects to reduce the risk of fragmenting funding sources
  • Economic resilience and planning through a holistic view, fostering new opportunities for economic growth and jobs creation

The results of a long term low emissions pathway can be transformative for a country’s economy and infrastructure. The benefits extend to its sustainable development, energy systems, the health and wellbeing of its population and its participation in a global climate-safe future.

The Horizon to Horizon guide is being used to guide decision-makers in the Pacific region.

It is accompanied by a Strategic Mitigation, Adaptation and Resilience (SMART) Tool. This has been designed to help Pacific Island leaders identify and better understand how mitigation approaches might interconnect with adaptation and resilience outcomes.