In July 2021 Climateworks had to opportunity to provide input to Queensland’s new Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Strategy. The submission draws from our Decarbonisation Futures scenario modelling, our Moving to Zero transport report, and a comparison of current Queensland zero-emissions vehicles policy and leading policies in
other states and territories.

The Climateworks submission finds now is the right time for the Queensland Government to set the State up with a strong strategy to support electric vehicle implementation in line with emissions reduction objectives and to support its community, businesses and industries to transition to a new technology, in line with rapid take up around the world. Setting timelines, targets and substantial budgets will support implementation for government and businesses, and monitoring and evaluation of policies. As priorities, Climateworks suggests incentives, best practice standards and infrastructure to support emissions reductions. It is also important for the strategy to also address freight and public transport emissions. Climateworks recommends earmarking resources for long term work to manage smooth transition to a zero-emissions transport system including reducing travel demand, supporting mode shift, and improving vehicles.

You can read the specific recommendations in the full submission.