In 2016-17, Climateworks built momentum towards net zero by 2050, through collaborative projects and solo initiatives.

2016-17 was a year of growth across government and industry in recognising and prioritising our Paris Agreement commitments. ‘Net zero by 2050’ has increasingly entered mainstream language as a shared goal in keeping temperatures well below 2 degrees. In our impact report, Building Momentum, we share our key achievements from the year.
Our analysis informed net zero targets. Climateworks analysis directly informed jurisdictions covering 56 per cent of Australia’s emissions.
We worked with the Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning to deliver high level analysis. Victoria’s water corporations are now required to be leaders in combating climate change.
We consulted to the Ministerial Forum on Vehicle Emissions, established to investigate the development of light vehicle emission standards.
We identified the need for a national agenda-setting organisation for electric vehicles. The Electric Vehicle Council was launched in 2017 to bring together manufacturers, energy companies, charging infrastructure and fleet providers to drive electric vehicle uptake in Australia.
We initiated new projects for the Zero Carbon Incubator. A partnership between Climateworks, SDSN, the Green Building Council of Indonesia and the Jakarta Property Institute, the Zero Carbon Incubator helps Indonesia implement better energy efficiency.
We jointly delivered Westpac’s climate change position statement. Working with Ernst and Young we analysed climate scenarios, risk and opportunities for institutional lending.
And so much more. Read our full impact in the latest report.