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Net Zero Industrial Precincts

Net zero industrial precincts (NZIPs) are a major opportunity to ensure industries – and the communities they support – remain competitive in a decarbonised world.


Just Energy Transitions in Southeast Asia

Net zero governance frameworks are being adopted by governments across Southeast Asia.  Many Southeast Asian countries have raised their climate ambition in recent years, either by strengthening their net zero goals or by more clearly articulating how they will achieve them.

Mendukung integritas pasar karbon sukarela di Indonesia

English version Dengan kebijakan publik yang tepat yang mendukung partisipasi pelaku usaha, Indonesia berpeluang untuk meraup keuntungan dari pasar kredit karbon internasional dan menjadi pengekspor pengurangan emisi karbon, dalam bentuk kredit karbon.


Indonesia Voluntary Carbon Market Integrity project

Baca versi Bahasa Indonesia With the right public policies allowing business participation, Indonesia has an opportunity to benefit from international sales of carbon credits and become a net exporter of abatements.


SEAFOAM – Southeast Asia Framework for Ocean Action in Mitigation

The ocean is a critical part of the global climate solution. This project aims to demonstrate additional ways countries can meet or raise their ambition under the world’s most important climate treaty – the Paris Agreement.