1. Introduction
Transport emissions are rising due to population and domestic product growth. But the sector offers one of the most profitable emissions reduction opportunities.
In 2018, Australia’s transport emissions were up 19% from 2005 levels. Reducing emissions from this sector is central to achieving net zero emissions nationally by 2050.
Australia lacks light vehicle emissions standards – one of only a handful of OECD countries without them. But the sector can take advantage of electric vehicles, mode shifting and low emissions fuels.
What we’re doing
Climateworks is collaborating with industry, consumer groups and government to support lowering transport emissions. Our focus is on working with sector stakeholders to develop a vision for transport in a net zero economy.
Bridging the gap
Currently, there is no national plan that brings together the entire transport sector. This gap exists globally. The sector is large and diverse, yet a collaborative approach can make net zero a reality.
The role of electric fleets
Electric vehicles fuelled by renewable energy can drastically reduce emissions from the sector. Globally, the transition to electric vehicles has momentum – yet Australia trails behind.
Fleets can speed up the transition to electric vehicles. Government and corporate fleets make up half of all new light vehicles purchased in a year. By selecting electric or hybrid vehicles, these organisations can normalise electric vehicle technology and increase availability of second-hand electric vehicles. Our research shows that some electric vehicles are already cheaper for fleet owners than petrol cars, in the long term.
2. How we'll get there
3. Our team
Our transport team has experience across data analysis, modelling, strategy, sustainability, policy, transport and energy infrastructure and more.
4. Resources
Accelerating EV uptake: Policies to realise Australia’s electric vehicle potential
The global shift to electric vehicles (EVs) is well underway, but Australia’s EV uptake lags behind this trend.
Accelerating Australia’s EV uptake can save vehicle owners $1,300 per year in running costs
Australians could save more than $20 billion in petrol and maintenance costs if electric vehicles (EVs) made up three-quarters of new car sales by 2030, according to Climateworks Centre analysis released today. New report Accelerating EV uptake: Policies to realise Australia’s electric vehicle potential, shows raising Australia’s ambition to 76 per cent of new vehicle purchases being electric by 2030, and 100 per cent by 2035, would benefit consumers and cut transport emissions.
Australia’s transport emissions: the role of infrastructure in reaching zero emissions
Rachel Lynskey unpacks how infrastructure can influence transport systems for the better: providing options for shifting to clean transport modes as well as improving health and environment outcomes.
Australia’s transport emissions: the role of hydrogen in reaching zero emissions
Green hydrogen is an emerging technology for reducing emissions that requires further investment in research and development.
Australia’s transport emissions: the role of electric vehicles in reaching zero emissions
Our first in a series on the complex and interdependent nature of the transport system, Rachel Lynskey explores why electric vehicles are an important part of the net zero conversation – but not the whole picture. Australia’s transport sector includes one of the most energy- and emissions-intensive road vehicle fleets in the world.
Moving to zero
Australia’s first comprehensive guide to reaching zero emissions in the transport sector.
Submission to the inquiry into electric buses in regional and metropolitan public transport networks in New South Wales
Electric buses can reduce costs, improve air quality and support local industries.
Electric vehicle ready local government fleets: increasing uptake and ambition
Transport is one of the fastest growing sources of emissions in Australia.
Improving Australia’s light vehicle fuel efficiency
Improving the fuel efficiency of Australia’s light vehicle fleet can deliver substantial environmental and broader economic benefits.
Improving the fuel efficiency of the Victorian Government’s passenger vehicle fleet
Climateworks has identified clear improvement opportunities for fuel efficiency of the Victorian Government’s passenger vehicle fleet.
Joint submission to the ministerial forum on vehicle emissions: proposed fuel efficiency standard for light vehicles
Improving light vehicle fuel efficiency can help Australia deliver on our international commitments, improve air quality, health outcomes and deliver financial savings.
The future of private transport in Australia
How can we move people and goods in the most efficient, safe and sustainable way?
The path forward for electric vehicles in Australia – Joint submission to the Federal Government vehicle emissions discussion paper
‘The path forward for electric vehicles in Australia’ has been prepared by a collaboration of industry representatives from the Electric Vehicle ecosystem, to explore the role of electric vehicles in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality and achieving improvements in energy productivity.
The state of electric vehicles in Australia
Electric vehicles are a proven technology with strong environmental, economic and social benefits.
The state of electric vehicles in Australia – second report
Australia’s electric vehicle industry is growing on the back of global trends, media interest and consumer awareness.
Towards fuel efficient, lower emission light vehicles: Submission to the vehicle emissions discussion paper
The transport sector is one of the fastest growing sources of emissions within Australia, increasing by 47.5% since 1990.
Towards fuel efficient, lower emissions light vehicles – response summary
A response summary to the 2015 issues paper considering a range of complementary measures that could be implemented in support of light vehicle CO2 emission standards, to help drive improvement in fuel economy across Australia’s light vehicle fleet.