1. Introduction

Australia’s bid to host the 31st Conference of the Parties (COP31) in partnership with Pacific Island nations in 2026 presents a transformational opportunity to lift climate ambition and unlock action on climate change mitigation in our region and beyond. 

Climateworks is working with partners in the Maximum Ambition Coalition (MAX) to leverage Australia’s comparative advantage in the lead-up to COP31. 

What we are doing 

MAX is an action-oriented coalition supporting Australia to deliver a successful COP31 in partnership with Pacific Island nations that aligns with the Paris Agreement’s goals to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius while increasing prosperity.

MAX is focused on adopting a dynamic and evidence-based approach to develop and implement ambitious climate ideas and initiatives. Our efforts are centred on supporting Australia’s delivery of COP31, with a particular emphasis on climate mitigation. 

By working collaboratively, we amplify the voices of our partners, ensuring our collective goals are achieved and exceeded. This unified approach strengthens our influence and ability to shape key decisions to further climate ambition. MAX will:

  • Support a strong enabling environment for Australia’s COP31 agenda 
  • Identify key intervention points to lift climate ambition and unlock action on climate change mitigation in our region and beyond
  • Develop signature COP31 initiatives to raise global ambition
  • Build momentum for regional decarbonisation.

2. Partners