1. Introduction

Net zero governance frameworks are being adopted by governments across Southeast Asia. 

Many Southeast Asian countries have raised their climate ambition in recent years, either by strengthening their net zero goals or by more clearly articulating how they will achieve them.

Indonesia and Vietnam have both announced Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETPs).

These are agreements with the International Partners Group, whose members include the EU, UK, USA, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Canada, Denmark and Norway. 

JETPs coordinate financial and technical assistance to accelerate Indonesia and Vietnam’s transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.  

In a joint statement at COP28, ASEAN member states welcomed the Work Programme on Just Transition and called upon parties to the Paris Agreement to enable a ‘just and inclusive’ energy transition internationally.

It is time to craft holistic and place-based approaches to catalyse net zero solutions.

Developing sectoral just transition pathways, integrating just transition principles into investment decision-making and enhancing international cooperation remain critical in upholding the impact and integrity of decarbonisation efforts.

With the right social and economic policies, governments can ensure the energy transition is orderly, fair and equitable for everyone – including communities currently dependent on fossil fuels. 

What we’re doing

Climateworks Centre seeks to support countries in Southeast Asia to recognise the need and benefit of including just transition principles in their decarbonisation strategies.

We’re working towards strengthening the enabling environment for this systemic change through strong governance, affordable financing and increased buy-in from a range of stakeholders including governments, businesses, financiers and non-state actors. 

The Just Energy Transitions in Southeast Asia project aims to build Southeast Asian countries’ confidence in the net zero transition and accelerate climate action.

This work will pave the way for other countries to pursue effective just energy transition mechanisms.

2. How we'll get there



Research opportunities to facilitate an enabling environment for just energy transitions in Southeast Asia. Identify case studies and pilot projects. Develop a strategy for policy convening and stakeholder engagement.



Develop evidence-based knowledge products to build the case for action.



Bring in technical expertise and international know-how on the systemic, financial, governance and socio-economic aspects of energy transition.



Support the inclusion of evidence-based research and analysis on the social and economic implications of climate action in net zero governance frameworks in Southeast Asia. Develop a regional alumni network comprising key policymakers and non-state actors. Facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange in the region by establishing working groups. Facilitate funder collaboration and coordination in Southeast Asia to maximise philanthropy engagement.



Create an enabling environment for systemic inclusion of ‘just’ solutions in climate action. This will be done by convening and engaging with key decision-makers, including through a high-level steering group, thereby increasing government confidence in net zero solutions.



Produce an adaptable and replicable framework to facilitate the scaling up of just transition governance mechanisms and financial tools in Southeast Asian countries beyond Indonesia and Vietnam.

4. Our partners

The Just Energy Transitions in Southeast Asia project is led by Climateworks Centre. The project’s Southeast Asia Just Energy Transition Fellowship is funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.