New state and territory numbers reveal national climate progress
Australia’s states and territories have laid the foundation for a more ambitious 2035 national climate target, a new report from Monash University’s Climateworks Centre reveals.Â
What every Australian state and territory can still do on climate
Discussions about Australia’s climate transition often focus on the federal government, but states and territories also play a significant role in support of national and international goals.
All Energy conference hears from Climateworks experts
The Clean Energy Council’s All Energy conference – a highlight in the clean energy calendar – this year featured six Climateworks Centre experts.
Fortescue has put its ambitious green hydrogen target on hold – but Australia should keep powering ahead
Australian mining and energy giant Fortescue announced late on Wednesday that its ambitious green energy goal – to produce 15 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen annually by 2030 – will be placed on hold.
The Australian Federal Budget takes important steps toward net zero on hydrogen, housing and more
On Tuesday night, the Australian Treasurer delivered the first Federal Budget since the nation’s parliament put net zero targets into law.
Place-based approaches can help industrial regions decarbonise quicker – here’s how
Decarbonising Australia’s industrial sector will be essential for Australia to reach net zero. The Australian Government can set the right policy signals with ambitious long-term goals to diversify economically in new clean industries and coordinate investment in specific locations.
Renewable energy industrial precincts explained
Renewable energy industrial precincts (REIPs) are a promising way to reduce emissions and protect Australia’s future by decarbonising existing industries and attracting new ones to regional areas.Â
In 2022, Australia’s governments finally got moving on climate. Here’s how
We might look back on 2022 as the year when Australian governments finally started taking climate change as seriously as it needs to be.
Australian federal and state governments pick up pace on renewables, transport and industry emissions, latest analysis shows
New analysis of Australian state, territory and federal government climate policies and targets has found that the nation is making promising steps forward in some key areas, such as energy.
In 2022, Australia has every reason to act on climate
Last year, the global focus for climate action doubled down on limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees. In 2022, it’s critical for Australia to step up.
ASEAN’s Emerging Mission for a Low Carbon Energy Transition
To date, almost all Southeast Asian nations have announced net zero emissions pledges, accounting for about 91 percent of the region’s carbon emissions.
Three steps Indonesia can take to create a solid domestic carbon market
As one of the world’s largest emitters of greenhouse gases and the fourth-largest coal producer, Indonesia must continue pursuing its efforts to create a domestic carbon market.
ASEAN Green Future Project: Further, Faster, Together
The world is currently at a tipping point where the implementation of the national decarbonization commitments made at COP26 will largely determine whether the world can realise the 1.5°C aspiration of the Paris Agreement.
Climateworks and CSIRO multi-sector energy modelling informs AEMO’s most ambitious release to date.
In July this year, the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) released scenarios outlining pathways to decarbonise Australia’s energy system. The release includes a 1.5 degree-aligned ‘hydrogen superpower’ scenario, produced through Climateworks and CSIRO’s AusTIMES model.
Stakeholders finalise vision and sector pathways in the final stage of Tonga’s long-term low emissions development strategy
Climateworks, along with Global Green Growth Institute and Relative Creative, are supporting Tonga to develop its long-term low emissions strategy (LT-LEDS).
As COP26 draws closer, the latest G7 summit shows the devil will be in the detail
The end of international coal investment and protecting biodiversity were on the agenda for the recent 47th G7 summit. But November’s COP26 needs to deliver greater ambition and more detail, if global temperature rise is to be limited to 1.5 degrees.
International Energy Agency report calls for an end to new fossil fuel investment, adding pressure for Australia to raise ambition.
Pressure is mounting for wealthy countries, including Australia, on the back of the latest report from the OECD’s energy agency. The International Energy Agency (IEA) Roadmap outlines a global pathway towards net zero emission energy by 2050.
Victorian government takes important steps on emissions reduction
The Victorian government’s recently released emissions reduction targets are part of an ongoing, state-legislated process. The announcements include pledges across multiple sectors, and show the ‘how’ behind the state’s ambitions.
Leaders Summit on Climate: Nations step up commitments, but what does it mean for countries in our region?
Last week, United States President Joe Biden hosted the Leaders Summit on Climate. The President invited 40 leaders from around the world, including 17 countries from the US-led ‘Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate’ – responsible for close to 80 per cent of global emissions and gross domestic product. Other invitees included leaders from nations demonstrating strong climate leadership, those especially vulnerable to climate impacts, or those charting innovative pathways to a net-zero economy.
The global 1.5°C carbon budget has reduced by 30 per cent in just three years – trends show we must reduce emissions faster
Amandine Denis-Ryan, Head of System Change and Capability, has recalculated the global carbon budget, finding it has fallen by 30 per cent.
Technology regularly outperforms expectations – so what does this mean for future decision-making?
Senior Project Manager Tom Yankos looks back at a decade of Climateworks modelling. He finds that the global trend for technology to outperform expectations is also relevant to climate research.
Tonga’s long-term low emissions development strategy enters the next phase of stakeholder workshops
Climateworks is partnering with Global Green Growth Institute and Relative Creative to develop a long-term low emissions development strategy for the Kingdom of Tonga.
Economic imperative drives Australia’s state and territory action on climate
Early last year, a potential silver lining to the COVID-19 crisis emerged: Australia’s carbon emissions were falling. By June, Australia’s emissions had decreased by 3%, with transport emissions falling 6.7% as cities locked down.
Scott Morrison has embraced net-zero emissions – now it’s time to walk the talk
Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Monday acknowledged what many Australian businesses, investors and others have long known: the global economy is transitioning to net-zero emissions, and so too must Australia.
Climateworks and the Centre for Policy Development host Climate & Recovery Initiative Public Forum
On 23 November, 2020, the Centre for Policy Development (CPD) co-hosted a public forum with Climateworks Australia as part of the Climate and Recovery Initiative.
Climate, the economy and COVID-19: addressing jobs and net zero emissions
‘Better coordination of efforts between the Commonwealth, the states and the private sector can drive large-scale investment, job creation and economic growth while lowering economy-wide emissions.’ That’s how Climateworks Australia CEO Anna Skarbek described the work of the Climate Recovery Initiative, a project jointly co-ordinated by Climateworks with the Centre for Policy Development.
Zali Steggall’s new climate change bill comes just as economic sectors step up
Anna Malos and Amandine Denis-Ryan, Climateworks Australia Yesterday, Zali Steggall, the independent member for Warringah, introduced her long-awaited climate change bill to the Australian parliament.
Anna Skarbek joins ANU Energy Change Institute Public Forum on the Australian Government’s Technology Investment Roadmap and First Low Emissions Technology Statement
On Thursday 8 October 2020, the ANU Energy Change Institute Public Forum hosted a webinar to explore the implications of the Australian Government’s Technology Investment Roadmap and First Low Emissions Technology Statement.
Tom Yankos joins Mission Shunya podcast to discuss Decarbonisation Futures
Girish Shivakumar from India’s Mission Shunya podcast caught up with Climateworks Australia’s Tom Yankos to discuss the implications of the Decarbonisation Futures report.
Climateworks’ Meg Argyriou joins Asia Society’s ‘Disruptive Asia’ panel.
‘How do we ensure our post-COVID recovery is green, clean, and aligned with delivering on the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals?’ That was the question posed by a special session of the ‘Disruptive Asia’ webcast held by the Asia Society on 30 July 2020, featuring Meg Argyriou (Head of International Programs at Climateworks Australia), Patrick Suckling (Asia Society Policy Institute non-resident Senior Fellow and former Australian Ambassador for the Environment), Chi Mun Woo (Partner, Sustainability and Climate Change at Deloitte) and Professor Rebekah Brown (Senior Vice-Provost and Vice Provost Research at Monash University).
Climateworks Australia partners with the Centre for Policy Development, Ai Group, ACTU and Pollination on Climate and Recovery Initiative
The Climate and Recovery Initiative brings together prominent leaders from government, business and civil society to identify the best ideas for aligning Australia’s economic recovery with a transition towards a net zero emissions economy, and to get them into the right hands.
Response to Low Emissions Technology Statement
Climateworks has welcomed the release of the government’s Low Emissions Technology Statement. Climateworks’ analysis shows that accelerated development and deployment of mature and emerging technologies are critical to ensure that Australia reaches net zero emissions by 2050 and creates a vibrant and resilient economy in a decarbonising world.
Statement on ARENA funding announcement
Climateworks Australia responds to today’s federal government announcement on the funding and ongoing role of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC). We support the broader mandate for ARENA and CEFC to work across an increased number of sectors, as well as energy.
New Zealand government supports the development of Tonga’s long-term low emissions development strategy
The New Zealand government has announced NZ$591,000 in funding for the project, led by the The Tonga Department of Climate Change under the Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change and Communication (MEIDECC).
New guide supports decision-makers to unlock green growth and investment opportunities
Growing evidence shows, for countries to achieve low carbon growth, decision-makers must create investment environments that steer finance from ‘brown’ to ‘green’.
Summary of the Climateworks Submission to the Australian Government’s Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper
Climateworks Australia has made a submission to the government’s Technology Investment Roadmap discussion paper and welcomes its recognition of the suite of solutions available to reduce Australian emissions.
Anna Skarbek joins Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion
In May 2020 The Australian Government released the Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper as part of a consultation process. On June 12 the ANU Energy Change Institute and Climate Change Institute presented an open public forum to share perspectives from a range of backgrounds.
Statement on Technology Investment Roadmap discussion paper
Climateworks Australia responds to the recent federal government releases, including the King Review response, and the Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper announced today by Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction, Angus Taylor.
Green stimulus: an opportunity for economic and climate recovery
Calls for climate to be central in stimulus packages, have been resounding across the world. Here’s a summary of but some of these. Leaders from major corporations including Rio Tinto, BP, HSBC and Shell have come together with the Energy Transitions Commission, urging massive investments in renewable power systems, boosts for green buildings and green infrastructure, targeted support for innovative low-carbon activities and similar measures.
Why it doesn’t make economic sense to ignore climate change in our recovery from the pandemic
Anna Skarbek, Monash University It will be tempting for some to overlook the climate change challenge in the rush to restart the economy after the pandemic.
Carbon conversations: Anna Skarbek talks Climateworks’ major report.
On the back of Climateworks’ seminal report release, Decarbonisation Futures, CEO Anna Skarbek joined the Carbon Market Institute’s John Connor to discuss the findings.
Energy Insiders Podcast: Anna Skarbek on Australia’s rapid and low cost path to zero emissions
Since the release of ClimateWork’s 2014 report Pathways to Deep Decarbonisation technology costs are far lower and more advanced. Our seminal report shows not only is net zero emissions possible, it could have considerable economic benefits as we recover from Covid-19.
Stimulating Australia’s economy and reaching climate goals can share a single pathway
The latest launch by Climateworks Australia, the Decarbonisation Futures report, builds on previous modelling to show that pathways to zero emissions by 2050 remain open, with new technology enabling Australia to achieve an outcome compatible with a global temperature rise of under 1.5 degrees. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, this work is being looked at in a new light – as a way to rebuild Australia’s economy in a climate-friendly fashion.
How can climate action help drive Australia’s recovery? Anna Skarbek in conversation with Australia at Home.
The action needed to address the threat of climate change could also be key to stimulating Australia’s economic recovery from Covid-19.
After the pandemic: how Australia can be a net zero nation by 2050 and stimulate the economy getting there.
The rapid progress and plummeting cost of green technology provide an unprecedented opportunity for Australia to move to a net zero emissions economy by 2050.
Anna Skarbek joins Centre for Climate and Energy Policy panel: Towards a Long-Term Emissions Strategy for Australia
On 26 February 2020, the Centre for Climate and Energy Policy convened a discussion between experts and stakeholders on Australia’s national 2050 emissions strategy.
Local governments helping cut resident and business emissions to zero
Local governments can play an important role in reducing Australia’s carbon emissions. In fact, many already are. New research by Climateworks Australia, with the Monash Sustainable Development Institute as part of the Net Zero Momentum Tracker initiative, analyses the climate commitments and activities of 57 local government areas covering over half of the Australian population.
Growing ambition for net zero strategies
With support from European Climate Foundation and the 2050 Pathways Program, the Global Green Growth Institute and Climateworks Australia visited Tonga in August to conduct scoping for the development of Tonga’s Long Term – Low Emissions Development Strategy.
Climateworks zero emissions study a finalist in prestigious Banksia Awards
Climateworks Australia was honoured to be a finalist at the 2016 Banksia Awards held in Sydney last night. The report, Pathways to Deep Decarbonisation in 2050: How Australia can prosper in a low carbon world co-lead by Climateworks and ANU with modelling from CSIRO and Centre of Policy Studies was named a finalist in the Communication For Change Award category.
Climateworks welcomes Victoria’s target of net zero emissions by 2050
Climateworks Australia today welcomed the announcement by the Victorian Government that it will adopt a target of net zero emissions by 2050, as recommended in the review of the Victorian Climate Change Act 2010.
Global report shows 15 countries’ pathways to a decarbonised economy
A new report released today by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon shows how 15 countries including Australia could together cut emissions in half while tripling economic output. The Deep Decarbonisation Pathways project involves modelling teams from all of the major emitters including Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, the UK, and the USA.
New project maps Australia’s shift to net zero emissions by 2050
A new project to develop a pathway for Australia to move to a low carbon economy by 2050 while building a prosperous nation was launched today.
Australia’s transition to a low carbon economy is underway
Australia has made significant progress towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and building a low-Âcarbon economy, according to new research released today. The Climateworks Australia report, Tracking Progress Towards a Low Carbon Economy, found an increase in activity to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the last decade across all sectors of the economy studied.
Tracking Australia’s progress on reducing emissions
A new national index of business activity and its impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions is being developed to track Australia’s progress towards a low carbon economy.
Geelong community to start planning implementation of Low Carbon Growth Plan for Greater Geelong
Australia’s first Regional Low Carbon Growth Plan will be presented at a public forum today, outlining the financial benefits of a lower carbon future.
Australia’s first Regional Low Carbon Growth Plan for Greater Geelong shows financial benefit of a lower carbon future
A practical plan for how Geelong can achieve a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and build a low-carbon economy will be released today.
Australians to pay more for delaying action on climate change
The easiest and cheapest ways of reducing Australia’s greenhouse pollution are slipping by due to delayed action on climate change, a new report reveals today.
New Low Carbon Growth Plan for Australia
A blueprint for how Australia can achieve an ambitious reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and build a growing low-carbon economy was released today.
New data shows 25% emissions reduction is achievable
Australia can achieve a greenhouse gas emissions reductions target of 25 per cent by 2020 at a relatively low average cost, according to new data soon to be released by Climateworks Australia.