The Adam Majcher Legacy Fellowship was created to honour former Climateworks staff member, Common Cause Australia co-founder and Climate Reality Project organiser Adam Majcher, who passed away suddenly in 2017.
The fellowship honours Adam Majcher’s work advancing climate change solutions, by developing the unique pathways of young Australians creating change.
The fellowship provides an opportunity for a young person to participate in a three-day Climate Reality Project training program with Al Gore, as well as receive communications training and mentorship by Common Cause Australia. It also includes a five-week paid placement working with the three climate organisations based in Melbourne.
Brett has experience working with Market Forces and Greenpeace as a campaigner. He also created and led a peer-run group, Exchange Inner-West, where inner city residents support residents from regions that will be most affected by the transition away from a carbon-intensive economy.
At Climateworks, Brett will work with our sustainable corporates system team and our communications team.
On receiving the fellowship, Brett said, ‘Climate change is often portrayed as a ‘wicked’ problem requiring a multiplicity of difficult, distant solutions. But the truth is, we have real solutions today, and I’m thrilled to continue the work of Adam Majcher by normalising these solutions and bringing about the paradigm shift we urgently need in order to overcome the climate crisis we face.’
Find out more about the Adam Majcher legacy program.