In our fifth week of working remotely, the Climateworks staff of almost 50 has been doing a lot of learning. Already well set up for remote work, our team has been experimenting with schedules and tools in this new era of full time ‘working from home’. Adjustments to timeframes and approaches are being made as needed. We remain committed to our goals, and are proud of our team for finding creative solutions to remain productive and focused on our mission.
Operationally, we are embracing the challenge. Using zoom and google hangouts for video calls, and continue to incorporate collaborative tools such as mural, slack and zoom breakout rooms for increased contact amongst our team members and community. We are not limited to these, and are able to join the preferred platforms of our partners. You can still call us on our office numbers, as these have been diverted to mobile or home phones.
To enable our team to keep a balance between work and home life, we are encouraging flexible working hours. This means our staff can vary their hours to suit their needs. All staff work at least four hours between 9am and 5pm, allowing time to collaborate and meet. We are not setting internal meetings between 12 and 1pm, to allow our team regular lunch breaks.