An excerpt from Anna Skarbek’s piece in Monash Lens, One overarching ask for business and investors: Do you have a plan to achieve zero emissions?
According to the most recent survey by global accounting firm PwC, some 65 per cent of CEOs worry about climate change.
They’re right to be concerned, with the International Monetary Fund describing global warming as a ‘major financial risk’.
The Australian bushfires have provided a shocking illustration of the damage that (increasingly frequent) natural disasters can do to businesses, as well as to communities and to the environment.
It’s in that context that the Bank of International Settlements warns about ‘green swan’ events – as disruptive as unexpected ‘black swans’, but the result of well-understood environmental risks.
Without renewed action, we’re currently on a path to three degrees warmer.
Fortunately, many CEOs are already acting, with major companies and investors globally and in Australia committing to eliminating all emissions from their businesses by 2050 or sooner – which aligns to the goal of 2°C or less.