New economic modelling finds Australia could ‘unlock an investment boom’; interest for green hydrogen and investment grows.

New economic modelling from the Investor Group on Climate Change finds Australia could ‘unlock an investment boom of $63bn over the next five years’, if climate policies are aligned with a net zero by 2050 target. Lisa Cox for The Guardian.

Green hydrogen from renewables could become the cheapest fuel within a decade, writes Adam Morton for The Guardian: ‘Chinese manufacturers have reported making systems to create hydrogen with renewable energy for up to 80% less than official Australian estimates from just two years ago’.

Reuters reports that the German Lower House has approved a new tax on emissions from fuels, heating and gas. The tax is likely to start at 25 euros per tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2021, rising to 55 euros per tonne in 2025.

UN-backed Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance sees thirty of the world’s largest asset owners commit to cutting emissions from organisations they invest in by 29% over the next four years. Kalyeena Makortoff at The Guardian