AGL to exit coal early, German tech could speed steel’s energy transition and Boundless invests in secondhand electric vehicle start-up. All that and more in this month’s good news in climate solutions.

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Boundless backs EV importer in first investment

Zero emissions activist and investor Eytan Lenko has made the first investment from his new philanthropic venture, Boundless, committing $10 million to second-hand electric vehicles importer The Good Car Company, writes Startup Daily’s Simon Thomsen. Boundless is backed and chaired by Atlassian founder Mike Cannon-Brooke.

AGL speeds up exit from coal

AGL Energy will shut down Australia’s biggest single carbon polluting power plant a decade earlier than planned, changing the closure date of its coal-fired Loy Yang A power station in Victoria from 2045 to 2035, write The Guardian’s Peter Hannam and Benita Kolovos.

German steel tech breakthrough could accelerate transition

Multinational conglomerate ThyssenKrupp has given the green light to a plan to replace its blast furnaces with low-carbon technology at Germany’s largest steelmaking plant, Renew Economy’s Simon Nicholas writes, adding that this may soon be seen as the moment when the global steel technology transition accelerated.

Greece entirely powered by renewables for first time.

Reuters reports that power generation from renewables fully covered Greece’s electricity demand over a few hours on Friday 7 October — the first time in the history of the country’s electricity system, according to the country’s independent power transmission operator IPTO.

Climate boardgame blitzes crowdfunding goal

Daybreak, a cooperative boardgame about stopping climate change, has earned more than five times its funding goal on crowdfunding platform Backerit. The game is described as ‘an unapologetically hopeful vision of the near future, where you and your friends get to build the mind-blowing technologies and resilient societies we need to save the planet’. Daybreak’s developers had set a target of $75,000 but have since raised $400,000 from 8,000 backers.