The City of Adelaide aims to be the world’s first carbon neutral city. It is partnering with local and global industry, and offering community incentives to realise this transition. The council has undertaken emissions reduction pathway analysis, and determined that the city can reduce emissions by 65 per cent, from 2007 levels, by 2025. It plans to offset remaining emissions to achieve carbon neutrality. 

In 2016, the City of Adelaide partnered with the State Government of South Australia to publish its five year ‘Carbon Neutral Adelaide’ action plan. The plan identified five priority emissions reduction pathways: energy efficient buildings, zero emissions transport, 100 per cent renewable energy, reducing emissions from waste and water and offsetting carbon emissions. These pathways are being facilitated through: 

  • upgrades to council buildings and infrastructure 
  • state government building efficiency incentives 
  • investment in public transport, electric vehicle infrastructure and vehicle sharing schemes 
  • incentives for installation of residential and commercial rooftop solar 
  • expanding waste collection and recycling services and infrastructure 
  • encouraging use of National Carbon Offset Standard recognised programs for businesses and events. 

 In February 2020, the City of Adelaide partnered with the energy retailer, Flow Power, to ensure its operations will be 100 per cent powered by renewable electricity as of July 2020. 

By acting as a leader in the adoption of environmental initiatives and projects, the City of Adelaide hopes to attract investment, generate opportunities for local business and even pave the way for new industries in its area.