By leaving a legacy, your gift will support essential work for creating a net zero future: robust research, evidence-based recommendations and targeted engagement with the stakeholders necessary to make real change.

The world is going through a very important transition and this transition requires the capacity to understand complex systems and set up processes to better govern the systems. Helping forge this capacity is essential

Dr Guillermo Castilleja, Senior Advisor, Global Alliance for the Future of Food, Philanthropy Australia Summit 2021

How to leave a bequest in your will

Leaving a planned gift is a very personal decision.  We would be honoured to discuss your preferences with you. If you already have a will, you can add a codicil (a legal provision) to include the bequest. For assistance with will writing and amendment, we recommend that you consult a solicitor, a trustee or an accredited wills and estate specialist.

Here is an example of the type of language you can use:

I bequeath to Climateworks Centre at Monash University of Clayton, Victoria 3800, ABN 12 377 614 012, the sum of ______ dollars {or the percentage of the residual estate} to be applied for the purposes of climate action research conducted by Climateworks Centre. I direct that the receipt in writing of an authorised officer of Monash University shall be deemed proof of payment.

Thank you for considering the future of our planet. We know that leaving a bequest is a very personal decision. We would appreciate if you could inform us when you decide to include Climateworks in your will. This gives us the chance to share special events or opportunities with you. Your information will be treated with complete anonymity should you wish. Notifying us enables us the security of a sustainable income to enable ambitious, long-term planning for the future. 

More information 

Questions? If you would like to establish a fund in your name, the name of a loved one or leave your gift anonymously, please contact +61 3 9902 0741 or