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Results for "electric vehicles" (112)

New modelling: Australia’s credible transport transition beyond electric vehicles

New scenario modelling by Monash University’s Climateworks Centre demonstrates that Australia can bolster transport decarbonisation by expanding its approach to include a suite of solutions, calling for a shift in the way governments plan and fund transport in the face of modest electric vehicle (EV) uptake.   Climateworks Transport Program Lead, Helen Rowe said: ‘Developing a credible plan to reduce transport emissions requires a shift in the way governments at all levels plan and fund transport – putting emissions reductions at the heart.’ The Climateworks modelling, presented in its latest report ‘Decarbonising Australia’s transport sector: Diverse solutions for a credible emissions reduction plan’, examines what a credible plan to decarbonise Australia’s transport sector could look like, going beyond electric vehicles and giving the country more options to successfully turn the wheel on its third-largest and fastest-growing source of emissions.

Submission on the transition to electric vehicles to an inquiry by the Australian Government Standing Committee on Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

The Australian Government Standing Committee on Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has invited written submissions as part of its inquiry into the transition to electric vehicles.


Australia’s transport emissions: the role of electric vehicles in reaching zero emissions

Our first in a series on the complex and interdependent nature of the transport system, Rachel Lynskey explores why electric vehicles are an important part of the net zero conversation – but not the whole picture.  Australia’s transport sector includes one of the most energy- and emissions-intensive road vehicle fleets in the world.


Indonesia has set an ambitious target for electric vehicles: what factors can support the nation’s shift to an electric-dominated transport sector?

By Dr. Emi Gui, Senior Project Manager; and Farraz Theda, intern. Despite ambitious targets and financial incentives, what an electric-vehicle dominated transport sector could look like for Indonesia is not well understood.


Fleet owners could save money by choosing electric vehicles

Climateworks research shows that councils and organisations could save money in the long term by choosing electric for their fleets. CEO Anna Skarbek spoke at the Electricity Vehicle Transition Conference outlining how this could have a huge impact in accelerating Australia’s transition to electric vehicles.


The state of electric vehicles in Australia – second report

Australia’s electric vehicle industry is growing on the back of global trends, media interest and consumer awareness. But it still lags behind the rest of the world.


The state of electric vehicles in Australia

Electric vehicles are a proven technology with strong environmental, economic and social benefits. Electric vehicles powered by renewable energy can reduce emissions and could help Australia meet its Paris-aligned targets at a lower cost.


The path forward for electric vehicles in Australia – Joint submission to the Federal Government vehicle emissions discussion paper

‘The path forward for electric vehicles in Australia’ has been prepared by a collaboration of industry representatives from the Electric Vehicle ecosystem, to explore the role of electric vehicles in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality and achieving improvements in energy productivity.


Making aluminium uses 10% of Australia’s electricity. Will tax incentives help smelters go green?

Aluminium is an exceptionally useful metal. Lightweight, resistant to rust and able to be turned into alloys with other metals. Small wonder it’s the second most used metal in the world after iron and demand is set to soar.


Submission on the National Electric Vehicle Strategy Consultation Paper

Climateworks Centre welcomes the Federal Government’s commitment to developing a National Electric Vehicle Strategy (NEVS) at this critical time for decarbonising transport.


Why it’s so hard to buy an electric car in Australia and what can be done about it

If you’re thinking about buying an electric car, you’re in good company. In 2021, nearly 10 per cent of new cars sold globally were electric.


Accelerating EV uptake: Policies to realise Australia’s electric vehicle potential

The global shift to electric vehicles (EVs) is well underway, but Australia’s EV uptake lags behind this trend. In 2021, just two per cent of cars sold in Australia were EVs, despite half of all Australians seeing their next car purchase as an EV.


On the road again: here’s how the states can accelerate Australia’s sputtering electric vehicle transition

Rupert Posner, Climateworks Australia Last month, Volkswagen Australia chief Michael Bartsch revealed Australia’s clean technology laws were so weak, his German head office would not supply Australians with the company’s top selling mid-range electric vehicles.


Electric buses can reduce costs, improve air quality and support local industries.

Electric buses are about to have their moment. Globally there were 460,000 electric buses operating in 2018, an increase of 25% on 2017 numbers, with China representing a huge 99% of the global market.


Submission to the inquiry into electric buses in regional and metropolitan public transport networks in New South Wales

Electric buses can reduce costs, improve air quality and support local industries. In December 2019 Climateworks Australia was invited to make a submission to the New South Wales government inquiry into electric buses for regional and metropolitan public transport networks.


Electric vehicle ready local government fleets: increasing uptake and ambition

Transport is one of the fastest growing sources of emissions in Australia. Electric vehicles fuelled by renewable energy can drastically reduce the sector’s emissions.


Australia’s electric vehicle industry gains momentum: report

On the back of global trends, media interest and growing consumer awareness at home, Australia’s electric vehicle industry grew slightly last year, according to a new report released today by the Electric Vehicle Council and Climateworks Australia.


Leading climate policies from Australia’s states and territories

Since the Paris Agreement was signed in 2015, countries around the world have increasingly recognised climate change as a shared challenge and begun to implement emissions reduction plans.


Diesel-thirsty mining can fuel an energy revolution

Flipping government incentives from fossil fuel use to accelerating electrification could bring huge benefits to the Australian mining industry. The mining industry receives more than half of Australia’s Fuel Tax Credits Scheme, which is set to cost the government $9.6 billion this year.


Speech: Anna Skarbek speaks on Climateworks’ 15 year anniversary

An edited excerpt from Anna Skarbek’s remarks on 17 October 2024, celebrating Climateworks Centre’s 15th anniversary at the State Library of Victoria.

At the forefront of climate solutions

John Thwaites remembers the exact moment he understood that the fight against global warming had to radically change.  It was 2012, and he was in the Climateworks Melbourne office, listening to a talk by leading climate scientist Malte Meinshausen.  The link between carbon dioxide emissions and temperature rise was well known.

Australia has just been handed a map for getting to net zero. Here’s how it will guide us

Australia’s push for net-zero emissions received a welcome boost on Thursday, with the release of an official report showing how Australia can seek to cut domestic emissions across each sector of the economy.


Submission on the Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Consultation Roadmap to the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts

As part of its development of the Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Roadmap and Action Plan, the Australian Government has sought views on the Consultation Roadmap, which outlines the identified pathways and the actions or policies the government will need to take to decarbonise transport and transport infrastructure.


Eight recommendations for Australia’s Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Roadmap

So far, Australia’s strategies to reduce its transport emissions have focussed on increasing the uptake of electric vehicles (EVs). But with transport being Australia’s fastest-growing source of emissions, Climateworks Centre’s latest transport scenario modelling shows it is necessary to use all available solutions to decarbonise the sector.  In addition to zero-emission vehicles, these solutions include:  increasing the use of public transport, active transport and rail freight (A.K.A ‘mode shift’) reducing some travel activity where there are opportunities to move people and goods more efficiently.


EVs alone won’t save Australia from climate emergency

Australia’s transport sector needs to decarbonise fast in order to meet emissions reductions in line with limiting global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius.


Decarbonising Australia’s transport sector: Diverse solutions for a credible emissions reduction plan 

Transport is currently Australia’s third-largest and fastest-growing source of emissions.  Download the report [PDF] In the face of growing transport emissions and modest electric vehicle sales figures, Australia can bolster transport decarbonisation by expanding its approach to include a suite of solutions across freight and passenger transport.


Submission on the Climate Change Authority’s 2024 Targets, Pathways and Progress Issues Paper

The Climate Change Authority (the Authority) is reviewing the potential technology transition and emission pathways that will best support Australia’s transition to net zero emissions by 2050 for six sectors: agriculture and land, built environment, electricity and energy, industry and waste, resources, and transport.


Renovations and rewiring can multiply the decarbonisation dividend 

Our research shows why conversations about home electrification should go hand in hand with conversations about improving home insulation and energy performance.  Electrifying an energy efficient home reduces net demand, meaning faster decarbonisation at scale.


How could Australia actually get to net zero? Here’s how

Every bit of warming matters if we want to avoid the worst impacts for climate change, as the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change shows.


Australia can still decarbonise in line with the Paris Agreement

New scenario modelling by Monash University’s Climateworks Centre demonstrates that Australia can achieve net zero emissions in line with limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius with decisive and increased action across all sectors of the economy.


The road is long and time is short, but Australia’s pace towards net zero is quickening

The marks of industry have forever changed the Hunter Valley in New South Wales, edged by the Blue Mountains to the south and ancient rainforests to the north.


Transport Pathways to Net Zero

It’s time for Australia to diversify its transport decarbonisation solutions to reach net zero and reap the rewards of a cleaner transport sector.


Good news in climate solutions for March, 2023

Indonesia to subsidise one million electric motorbikes, two Australian states break renewables records and US scientists make a battery breakthrough — all this and more in this month’s good news in climate solutions.   Want more updates on climate solutions?


In 2022, Australia’s governments finally got moving on climate. Here’s how

We might look back on 2022 as the year when Australian governments finally started taking climate change as seriously as it needs to be.


Government climate action: Leading policies and programs in Australia

This report analyses targets, policies and programs announced by Australian federal, state and territory governments, with a focus on policies introduced since the publication of our previous report on state and territory climate action.  Building on previous emissions reduction commitments (our 2021 report found that state and territory interim targets translated to an estimated 37–42 per cent reduction below 2005 emissions by 2030, Australia-wide) the states and territories continue to increase their climate action, allocating billions of dollars to emissions reduction measures and making significant regulatory and legislative changes.  At a national level, the federal government this year legislated national emissions reduction targets of 43 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050, reflecting an increase in ambition.


Climateworks executive Ian Porter moves into key Australian Government role

Having led Climateworks’ program teams through a period of rapid growth, senior executive Ian Porter has announced he will move on to a high-level position within the Australian Government.


Good news in climate solutions — October 2022

AGL to exit coal early, German tech could speed steel’s energy transition and Boundless invests in secondhand electric vehicle start-up. All that and more in this month’s good news in climate solutions.


Good news in climate solutions – September 2022

Record electric vehicle sales in Australia, study shows renewables could save trillions and China has largest fall in emissions in a decade.


Good news in climate solutions — August 2022

New climate laws emerge across the globe, banks hit the breaks on fossil fuel, and long-discussed changes announced at Energy Minister’s meeting.


Accelerating Australia’s EV uptake can save vehicle owners $1,300 per year in running costs

Australians could save more than $20 billion in petrol and maintenance costs if electric vehicles (EVs) made up three-quarters of new car sales by 2030, according to Climateworks Centre analysis released today.  New report Accelerating EV uptake: Policies to realise Australia’s electric vehicle potential, shows raising Australia’s ambition to 76 per cent of new vehicle purchases being electric by 2030, and 100 per cent by 2035, would benefit consumers and cut transport emissions.

Good news in climate solutions — July 2022

International commitments, Treasury to model climate change’s economic impact and Australia on track to be half-powered by renewables within three years.


Here’s what to expect from the Labor government on climate

Public concern over climate change was a clear factor in the election of Australia’s new Labor government. Incoming Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has committed to action on the issue, declaring on Saturday night: ‘Together we can take advantage of the opportunity for Australia to be a renewable energy superpower’.


How to ‘bend the curve’ of emissions in each sector during the next term of government to stay aligned with 1.5 degrees

For over a decade of IPCC releases, climate scientists have marked 2025 as the global deadline for peak emissions if we are to keep ‘1.5 degrees’ on the table.


Good news in climate solutions – March edition

Victoria has launched Australia’s first offshore wind targets. This is a significant and forward-looking commitment that demonstrates the important role of state and territory governments in decarbonising Australia’s electricity sector – fundamental to Australia achieving net zero emissions and limiting warming to 1.5 degrees.


Nations with developing economies are eager to decarbonise, they just need the finance they were promised

There is no lack of understanding in how such funds would be put to good use: Our Investment Vision Guide developed last year offers a template for how investment, once delivered, can be strategically applied.


In 2022, Australia has every reason to act on climate

Last year, the global focus for climate action doubled down on limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees. In 2022, it’s critical for Australia to step up.


Three steps Indonesia can take to create a solid domestic carbon market

As one of the world’s largest emitters of greenhouse gases and the fourth-largest coal producer, Indonesia must continue pursuing its efforts to create a domestic carbon market.


Cities in Australia are a major cause of emissions – but they can be a part of the climate solution, too

Cities are a combination of things we see – buildings, transport infrastructure, parks and public spaces – and things we experience, such as culture and community.


The Morrison government is set to finally announce a 2050 net-zero commitment. Here’s a ‘to do’ list for each sector

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has finally struck a deal with the Nationals and is expected to take a pledge of net-zero greenhouse emissions by 2050 to the Glasgow climate conference.


Climateworks submission to National Construction Code Public Comment Draft (Stage 2)

In October 2021 Climateworks had the opportunity to respond to the energy efficiency provisions of the National Construction Code Public Comment Draft.


Corporate action for 1.5 degrees: Best practice for Australian company net zero commitments

Read our news story: Climateworks report shows what net zero best practice means for business and reveals examples of Australian companies getting it right What does it take to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees?


State and territory climate action: Leading policies and programs in Australia

All Australian state and territory governments are now committed to net zero emissions by 2050 or earlier. These commitments cover all emissions produced within Australia’s borders.


Australia can capitalise on state and territory net zero momentum to keep the global 1.5 degree goal in play: report

State and territory government net zero targets and policies since the start of 2020 demonstrate Australia is capable of meeting global expectations for climate action, according to a new report by Climateworks Australia released today.


Good news in climate solutions – September edition

Years off your home loan, carbon-free flying, and cheaper, better batteries solved with sugar. All this and more in the latest good news in climate solutions.


Australia’s transport emissions: the role of hydrogen in reaching zero emissions

Green hydrogen is an emerging technology for reducing emissions that requires further investment in research and development. For some parts of the transport sector, the case for green hydrogen is more viable that electrification.


Australia’s transport emissions: the role of infrastructure in reaching zero emissions

Rachel Lynskey unpacks how infrastructure can influence transport systems for the better: providing options for shifting to clean transport modes as well as improving health and environment outcomes.


Indonesia raises their net zero ambition – can they be a leader for climate commitments in Southeast Asia?

Guntur Sutiyono is our Country Lead for Indonesia.Alin Halimatussadiah is LPEM-FEBUI Head of Environmental Economics Research Group. Indonesia’s new long term low-carbon and climate resilience strategy – which includes aspirations to reach net zero emissions by 2060 or sooner –  is a sign the nation can be a leader for climate ambition.


Australia’s transport emissions: seeing the sector as a whole shows a path to zero emissions

Our new series, researched and written by Rachel Lynskey, Project Officer for Transport, explains how the transport sector is interconnected – and that solutions for reducing emissions must be, too.


International Energy Agency report calls for an end to new fossil fuel investment, adding pressure for Australia to raise ambition.

Pressure is mounting for wealthy countries, including Australia, on the back of the latest report from the OECD’s energy agency. The International Energy Agency (IEA) Roadmap outlines a global pathway towards net zero emission energy by 2050.


Good news in climate solutions – May

Thailand to go full EV by 2035, a ‘radical’ deal to cut plastic waste, Sydney ramps up its net zero goal and the IEA hones in on a global pathway to net zero.


Raising Indonesia’s net zero ambition: the pivotal role of energy systems in setting and reaching a net zero target

Indonesia has pledged to reach net zero by 2070. But recent developments suggest Indonesia could raise its net zero ambition to 2060, or even sooner with international support.


Leaders Summit on Climate: Nations step up commitments, but what does it mean for countries in our region?

Last week, United States President Joe Biden hosted the Leaders Summit on Climate. The President invited 40 leaders from around the world, including 17 countries from the US-led ‘Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate’ – responsible for close to 80 per cent of global emissions and gross domestic product.  Other invitees included leaders from nations demonstrating strong climate leadership, those especially vulnerable to climate impacts, or those charting innovative pathways to a net-zero economy.


Good news in climate solutions – April

ACT fleets go electric, Thailand’s net zero master plan in the works, feeding cows seaweed to fight emissions and greening crypto.


Technology regularly outperforms expectations – so what does this mean for future decision-making?

Senior Project Manager Tom Yankos looks back at a decade of Climateworks modelling. He finds that the global trend for technology to outperform expectations is also relevant to climate research.


2021: new year, new momentum

The first year of this decade will be remembered as one of the most challenging of our time. Yet 2020 brought a significant shift in climate action, and solutions.


Scott Morrison has embraced net-zero emissions – now it’s time to walk the talk

Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Monday acknowledged what many Australian businesses, investors and others have long known: the global economy is transitioning to net-zero emissions, and so too must Australia.


Good news in climate solutions – December

Climate targets and commitments Temperature analysis shows UN goals ‘within reach’. Matt McGraw at BBC.The oceans are absorbing more carbon than previously thought: the very surface of the ocean tends to be markedly cooler than the water at a few metres depth, resulting in a substantially larger net uptake than previously thought.


Good news in climate solutions – November

More Australian giants set target commitments, including ANZ, Woolworths and REST. Geelong is set to host one of the world’s largest batteries, thanks to a new initiative from the Victorian government.


Zali Steggall’s new climate change bill comes just as economic sectors step up

Anna Malos and Amandine Denis-Ryan, Climateworks Australia Yesterday, Zali Steggall, the independent member for Warringah, introduced her long-awaited climate change bill to the Australian parliament.


Response to Low Emissions Technology Statement

Climateworks has welcomed the release of the government’s Low Emissions Technology Statement. Climateworks’ analysis shows that accelerated development and deployment of mature and emerging technologies are critical to ensure that Australia reaches net zero emissions by 2050 and creates a vibrant and resilient economy in a decarbonising world.


Stimulating the net zero infrastructure conversation is ‘more relevant than ever’

Michael Li and his team signed off on the Reshaping Infrastructure for a net zero emissions future issues paper in March 2020, just as Covid-19 hit Australia.


Summary of the Climateworks Submission to the Australian Government’s Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper

Climateworks Australia has made a submission to the government’s Technology Investment Roadmap discussion paper and welcomes its recognition of the suite of solutions available to reduce Australian emissions.

Case study: Wyndham city council

Wyndham City Council falls within one of Melbourne’s designated growth corridors, and has a projected population forecast of over 240,000 by 2036.


Case Study: Australia Post

Australia Post is in the process of replacing its delivery motorbikes, vans and trucks with electric vehicles (Australia Post 2019). It is deploying electric bikes and three wheeled electric delivery vehicles (eDVs) to reduce its last-mile emissions, which are those incurred in the last stage of delivery from postal distribution hubs to the customer.


Moving to zero

Australia’s first comprehensive guide to reaching zero emissions in the transport sector. Moving to zero: Accelerating the transition to zero-emissions transport is Australia’s first comprehensive guide to reaching zero emissions in the transportation sector.


Statement on Technology Investment Roadmap discussion paper

Climateworks Australia responds to the recent federal government releases, including the King Review response, and the Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper announced today by Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction, Angus Taylor.


Why it doesn’t make economic sense to ignore climate change in our recovery from the pandemic

Anna Skarbek, Monash University It will be tempting for some to overlook the climate change challenge in the rush to restart the economy after the pandemic.


Scaling up: Impact report 2019

New research supports what is already being felt in Australia and around the world: climate change is happening faster than ever anticipated, bringing with it greater repercussions.


After the pandemic: how Australia can be a net zero nation by 2050 and stimulate the economy getting there.

The rapid progress and plummeting cost of green technology provide an unprecedented opportunity for Australia to move to a net zero emissions economy by 2050.


Decarbonisation Futures: Solutions, actions and benchmarks for a net zero emissions Australia

Climateworks’ seminal report shows how technologies in each sector can achieve climate goals in Australia when rebuilding the economy to be resilient for the future.


Can Australia follow the UK’s lead to ban fossil fuel cars by 2035?

Australians have the appetite for electric vehicles, what we need now is infrastructure and policy to make it accessible for all.



Transport emissions are rising due to population and domestic product growth. But the sector offers one of the most profitable emissions reduction opportunities.  In 2018, Australia’s transport emissions were up 19% from 2005 levels.


We can be a carbon-neutral nation by 2050, if we just get on with it

Anna Skarbek, Monash University and Anna Malos, Climateworks Australia This is part of a major series called Advancing Australia, in which leading academics examine the key issues facing Australia in the lead-up to the 2019 federal election and beyond.


The future of private transport in Australia

How can we move people and goods in the most efficient, safe and sustainable way? Private transport is transforming rapidly as electric and autonomous vehicles, car and ride share services disrupt the status quo.


Building momentum: impact report 2016-17

In 2016-17, Climateworks built momentum towards net zero by 2050, through collaborative projects and solo initiatives. 2016-17 was a year of growth across government and industry in recognising and prioritising our Paris Agreement commitments.


Australia can meet the energy trilemma – but not by extending coal generation

Australia can address the energy trilemma and provide secure affordable energy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions – but not by extending the life of existing coal-fired power stations, according to Climateworks Australia.


Climateworks zero emissions study a finalist in prestigious Banksia Awards

Climateworks Australia was honoured to be a finalist at the 2016 Banksia Awards held in Sydney last night. The report, Pathways to Deep Decarbonisation in 2050: How Australia can prosper in a low carbon world co-lead by Climateworks and ANU with modelling from CSIRO and Centre of Policy Studies was named a finalist in the Communication For Change Award category.

Interactive: Decarbonising transport, Australia’s fastest growing source of emissions

Transport is Australia’s third-largest source of emissions. It’s also the fastest growing – it’s set to become the nation’s largest source of emissions by 2030.


Submission on the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard to the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts

The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts has sought responses to a consultation paper on the proposed design and implementation of the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (NVES).


Climateworks Centre decarbonisation scenarios 2023: Australia can still meet the Paris Agreement

Climateworks Centre has a decade-long history of using scenario modelling to inform debate around decarbonisation pathways for Australia’s economy. Our latest scenarios show Australia can reduce emissions by 85 per cent by 2035.


Submission on the Australian Government’s Fuel Efficiency Standard Consultation Paper

Climateworks Centre supports the Australian Government’s commitment to introduce a fuel efficiency standard (FES) at this critical time for decarbonising transport.


Thinking beyond EVs to decarbonise Australia’s transport sector

In the recent Federal Budget, the Australian Treasurer announced more than $4.5 billion in climate-related spending, the bulk of which will fund efforts to reduce Australian emissions.  Among the Budget’s line items was $20.9 million dollars over five years to decarbonise transport and infrastructure, including $7.8 million to develop a Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Roadmap and Action Plan.


Taking on transition: Impact report 2022

Anna Skarbek, CEO of Climateworks Centre, introduces the organisation’s 2022 impact report. In 2022, the global community held firm in its commitment to a net zero future, amidst a challenging year with continued impacts from the COVID pandemic, war in Ukraine, energy security concerns and rising living costs worldwide.

Renewable energy industrial precincts explained

Renewable energy industrial precincts (REIPs) are a promising way to reduce emissions and protect Australia’s future by decarbonising existing industries and attracting new ones to regional areas. 


Energy Ministers’ meeting an important step in Australia’s net zero transition

Australia’s Energy Ministers have agreed on important steps forward for the domestic energy system. The decision to include emissions reductions in the NEO is important in helping ensure Australia’s electricity system is ‘fit for purpose’ to meet the climate crisis.


‘Setting up industrial regions for net zero’ report finds huge potential for decarbonisation

Major industrial regions – including the Pilbara, Kwinana, Hunter, Illawarra and Gladstone – have the natural resources, workforce and baseline infrastructure that can be expanded to support Australia’s net zero transition, according to a new report.

Setting up industrial regions for net zero – Australian Industry Energy Transitions Initiative Phase 2 report

Australia’s industrial regions are significant in terms of their emissions, energy use and contribution to the economy. With net zero emissions targets now set at state and national levels, targets for industrial regions can facilitate planning and action, and guide decision making for the long-term transition.


Australia has officially set a new climate target. What matters now is how the nation meets it

Australia has formally committed to increasing its climate ambition. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has signed an updated, strengthened Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the Paris Agreement on climate, through the UN framework convention on climate change.


Net zero ambition in infrastructure: Western Australia’s draft strategy is a step forward for the sector

Last month, the state infrastructure advisory body of Western Australia released their inaugural state infrastructure strategy in draft form for public input.


Climateworks Australia submission to Queensland’s Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Strategy

In July 2021 Climateworks had to opportunity to provide input to Queensland’s new Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Strategy. The submission draws from our Decarbonisation Futures scenario modelling, our Moving to Zero transport report, and a comparison of current Queensland zero-emissions vehicles policy and leading policies inother states and territories.


Good news in climate solutions – June

The end of the Keystone XL pipeline, solar takes the renewables crown, the G7 backs mandatory climate risk disclosure for companies, Indonesia moves towards renewable energy and NSW sets its sights on complete vehicle electrification.


Victorian government takes important steps on emissions reduction

The Victorian government’s recently released emissions reduction targets are part of an ongoing, state-legislated process. The announcements include pledges across multiple sectors, and show the ‘how’ behind the state’s ambitions.


Net zero momentum tracker – resources sector

The Australian resources sector must rise to the challenge of the global net zero transition The Net Zero Momentum Tracker Resources Sector report, the seventh sector report in a series by Climateworks Australia with the Monash Sustainable Development Institute, analyses 22 of Australia’s biggest emitters within the resources sector.


Good news in climate solutions – July

Investments, subsidies and policies for clean energy and climate change solutions dominate around the world. City of Adelaide and City of Sydney reach 100% renewables for electricity.


Net zero momentum tracker – transport report

More actions are needed if Australia’s transportation sector is to cut emissions in line with global goals. The Net Zero Momentum Tracker Transport Sector report evaluates the climate commitments of 32 Australian transport operators and logistics companies to assess their alignment with the goal of net zero emissions by 2050, a key element of the Paris Climate Agreement.


Case study: Amazon

Amazon has committed to reach ‘net zero carbon’ by 2040 (Amazon 2020b). This target encompasses emissions across the company’s entire value chain, including Amazon-operated and third-party freight, production of private-label products and customer trips to Amazon stores.


Good news in climate solutions – March

Telstra leads the way in emissions targets, councils bring forward their net zero targets, Turkey’s energy is now provided by 49% clean energy. All this and more in the latest good news in climate solutions.


New initiative underway to show Australian organisations’ progress towards net zero emissions

A national tracker of emissions reduction pledges by Australian companies, governments and organisations is part of a new initiative being launched today by Climateworks Australia working within the Monash Sustainable Development Institute.

Australia not on track to reach 2030 emissions reduction target but potential is there: report

Australia is not yet on track to meet its emissions reduction targets under the Paris Agreement but there are many opportunities to still get there, according to new research released today.


Tracking progress to net zero emissions

Australia is not on track to reach emissions reduction targets under the Paris Agreement. But opportunities exist in proven technologies across electricity, industry, buildings, land and transport.


Global report shows 15 countries’ pathways to a decarbonised economy

A new report released today by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon shows how 15 countries including Australia could together cut  emissions in half while tripling economic output.  The Deep Decarbonisation Pathways project involves modelling teams from all of the major emitters including Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, the UK, and the USA.

New Low Carbon Growth Plan for Australia

A blueprint for how Australia can achieve an ambitious reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and build a growing low-carbon economy was released today.